Part one

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Assassins creed 3 memory

I am Conner kenway I am an assassin. I am not just some assassin that gets paid to do it. I do this for freedom from the Templars and the British. It has been 2 years since the British and the 13 colonies started war. Today I am heading to bunker hill to help with the attack by the British

It will end in blood that I promise I said to myself over and over in my head. I was getting ready to leave the homestead when dr.white came up to me and asked me to bring him back some bandages from the battle. I agreed then I left so fast that dr.white fell. I laughed as I went along my way.

When I got there the British was already shelling the hill by cannon fire. The general needed those ships destroyed before they could return fire on the British. I ran as fast as I could jumping over fences and dived into the water. There was two little boats besides the ships I climbed up on them to take a rest from the two mile swim . I claimed up one the ships and peeked over;there was two generals and some brutes I call them

It's a pretty funny name actually because they fall like a rock. One walks onto the edge and I grab his foot and he plunges into the water. Too heavy to swim I say laughing. I climb up on board and use my hidden blades to take out the rest. Now all I have to do is explode the gunpowder and move on to the next ship. I plant one of my trip mines next to it and I throw a rock at it. It explodes and the solders on the other ship must of heard it because they started shooting at me. I dodge each bullet and run at them full speed with both my hidden blades out and jump of the ship and kill two Guards I think to myself I was right this will end in blood.

One of the guards asks who are you. I stab him and say looking at the hill me i am someone who is going to bring pain to your army. I climb up one of the mast and take down the flag and put up the American flag to signal that I had done it. I dove back into the water and began my swim back to the docks. When I got there I saw many solders dead or wounded. I saw one that still had his musket in hand and a finger on the trigger. I went over and shot it to pay my respects. I saw a man on a horse waiting for me I asked him to take me to bunker hill. He agreed I called my horse and we were off.

When I arrived the General was giving a speech. I never saw so many people together for something. I went up there with him and I spoke(I know all of you have seen friends die today but you are some of the strongest sons of bitches I ever saw. We defended concord and Lexington. We proved that we can stand our ground. Now let's show those British dogs what freedom taste like shall we) after I finished I got ready to charge.

I put men onto cannons and told to fire when ever the British stopped to reload. I said do not give them a chance to fire again. Then I turned and yelled charge. We got over the hill and saw the number of British there waiting I yelled stop and then fire. The cannons fired and then I yelled charge again. I said fire again and the cannons were just nonstop firing over and over never giving them the chance to reload and fire back. We thought we would actually win that day but the British eventually took out our cannons which was our only covering fire.

We retreated but the British lost so many more than we did. I remember that day that George our commander brought in more to help us retreat they covered us until every single person was off that hill. I stopped and saw they took someone from us. He was on the ground blood everywhere. I got this rage and people say my eyes had a fire in them that day. I went full speed at them and about killed everyone inside the fort before the soldiers came back and helped to take back the fort. The British called for a full retreat. We did not stop firing until the last British solder was gone. That day we lost many people but we grew in hope for one day we would be free.

The next week I was at the docks on the homestead and getting ready to set sail to help the Independence. While we were sailing we came across a piece of wood. We picked it up and it had the word jackdaw on it. We got to the independence late there was ships all over her. I dropped all sails and put the ship in overhaul. Before I left the homestead the old man said the ship had balls of fire. I turned for a broadside all cannons loaded and fired. I laughed at the site it was like torches being thrown at wood. I watched as the ships burned as me and the independence set sail for home. When we sailed into the docks I saw smoke coming from the inn. I jumped off the ship and ran towards the smoke. When I got there the inn was on fire and there was redcoats there about a dozen. I yelled stop but they looked at me and aimed there guns and fired.

It was dark and then light there was floating circles in the air and the floor was clear but waves were forming everywhere. Then the battle of bunker hill appeared I was there watching me and the blue coats fighting with everything we had. Then a voice started to speak it said Connor we have been watching you for some time now you have proven you are worthy of coming home.

I woke and I was back in the village,my mother was there and also haythem but there was someone else there to. I could tell he was a assassin because of his robes. He walked up to me and said grandson you are one tough son of a bitch you know that. I laughed because he said his name was Edward and that he was captain of a mighty feared vessel called the jackdaw.

I said I found a piece of wood saying jackdaw. He asked to see it,I could tell he missed being a assassin and a pirate. Then everything was gone and I was in a bed at the inn

there was some one in the corner of the small room. i could not tell who it was because one of my eyes had a bandage over it. He knew i was aware of him so he walked out of the corner. It was haythem i yelled get away but he grew closer and closer until he was over me. he had his hidden blades unsleathed. I was to weak to stop him he got closer and closer and when his hidden blade touched my neck. i closed my eyes and waited for it to be over. nothing happened i opened my good eye and saw blood on him.

This was all on the spot. I have the game but I thought I should write a story on it

Please leave a comment about what I can improve. Part 2 should be up in two weeks


Assassins creed 3 memoryOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara