intro, rules etc

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I know, rules, blah, blah, blah, are boring, but please read each and every one of them to understand this award. Most of your questions will be answered in it as well.

1. This award is for everyone!

2. We accept all genres but non-fiction, random, spiritual. Sorry, but these genres aren't really popular one will take time to fill up. If your book falls in any of these genres, pm this account and I'll note that down. If we get 10 or more entries, we'll add it to this award.

3. You are allowed to enter two books in one genre.

4. You must fill out the form correctly.

5. The password is 'butterflies'. To make sure you read the rules.

6. You must follow this account (optional) TheAestheticAwards , Mami-Amor (a must) and _AestheticDemons_ (a must) PERMANENTLY or else your book won't be accepted. We'll be checking.

7. We accept 10 books in each genre.

8. You must be nice to everyone.

9. No bribing the judges.

10. If you become a judge, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE SECONDS LATER. It is really annoying when someone signs up and bails on us when judging starts. If you know you CAN do the job, fill in the form.

11. Add this book to your public reading list and library for further updates.

12. You MUST tag at least 5 people in your form or in line. (NOTE: you can tag as many as you can if you want, just so this award can grow)

13. You MUST follow the rules or else your entry will be ignored/deleted/declined.

14. If you enter a book, you can judge as well, but not in the same category your book is in.

15. The award will be closed after all genres are full.

16. When the entries come out, you MUST follow the judge who is judging your book.

(I know, there's a lot of following, but would you rather read more than one book? I thought so.)

17. Your book must have at least 5 chapters, not including author notes/prologues/epilogues. Poetry book must have at least 10 chapters and short story book must have at least 5 as well.

18. [FOR JUDGES] when the results are in for all books, you will pm this account. I will personally send you a form to fill out, to which I will copy copy and paste (the winners) results. NOTE: you are supposed to give a short/long review (more than 20+ words) on the book as well.

19. [FOR PARTICIPANTS] if you wish to see your results and review of your book, you can pm me. There, I will either post it in the results&reviews book for you and everyone else to see, of send it to you personally.


If you have any questions, pm _AestheticDemons_ or TheAestheticAwards

Aesthetic Awards [Open]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora