Rare Soulmates [Felix x Aya]

Start from the beginning

The new boy clears his throat and we look at him. "I just noticed that I have not introduced myself yet. My name is Lee Felix and I just moved here." Minho and I share a glance before he replies: "My name is Lee Minho and that is McAdams Aya." I wave at him and even from where I sit, I can see his eyes widen at my name. "McAdams? Like in McAdams Technical Solutions?", his voice surprises me even more now. It suddenly changed octaves. I nod as answers and he was in front of me faster than I could say something. "It is so nice to meet you, Aya-noona!" Aya...-noona? Minho starts to laugh and falls into his chair. "You really...", his laughter interrupts him, "You really call Aya noona?" Felix looks a little lost. "Should I not? You are older than me, right?" I nod quickly before stating: "You do not have to call me noona, though." But Felix shakes his head making his blonde hair fly around. "I insist on it, Aya-noona."

And then he smiles. This smile causes Minho and me to freeze. We just stare at him for approximately a minute before his smile falters a bit. "Is something wrong?", he tilts his head in confusion. The words slip from my lips faster than I can think: "You have a beautiful smile." Felix blushes at my words and scratches the back of his neck. Now that his head is leaned down, I notice that freckles adorn his face. Apparently, Minho also just notices them and we say at the same time: "Freckles?"

This causes the boy to turn bright red, just as red as his hoodie. At the sight of his blushing face I start to remember his request: "Minho, you should show him the way to the office." Both boys are seemingly pulled out of their thoughts and nod. "Right, I should. Thanks for reminding me." Minho makes his way to the door. "You can trust him.", my words echo through the classroom causing Felix to turn back to me. "He is nice. Oh, and sorry for that. We are quite...weird." Felix smiles again. "It is fine."

With that he makes his way to Minho. Before he leaves the classroom, he turns back to me. "It was really nice to meet you, Aya-noona. Hopefully I will get a chance to fully experience how weird you two can be. See you around." He leaves the classroom after that and Minho slides the door shut. I only hear a "lover boy" from Minho and an embarrassed "hey" from Felix. I am left alone in the classroom. I can hear their footsteps slowly fading in the hallway.

The room is colder now. It seems Felix has the ability to brighten a room. It leaves me in awe. A soft chuckle leaves my lips. Felix is an interesting boy. He has the face and the smile of an angel but the voice of a demon. I really would like to get to know him more. I sigh: 'Yeah, sure. As if the next super popular boy of the school wants to be friends with me. You saw his reaction to your name.', a voice in my head states. I sigh again and I fold my arms on my desk to put my head on them. A sad smile graces my lips. 'I will never become close with him.', I think. Silence fills the room again. I look out of the window to see a beautiful sunrise and I know feelings for Felix will soon rise like the sun and vanish again not long after that like the setting sun. This later, however, would not happen as soon as I thought.


Two weeks passed by. Just like I thought Felix is the most popular boy in school now. I hear his name often in the library where I prefer to spend my lunch break. Minho and Changbin are in the cafeteria among most of the students. I sigh quietly as I lean on the table in front of me. The book really is not that interesting, so I daydream.

I dream about a day where I can go out with my friends, Felix being one of them. Where father waits with dinner at home greeting me with a smile. However, that will never happen. I cannot go out with my friends because of the possibility of journalists spotting us or rather me. Being the daughter of one of the most well-known and most famous electronic producers is a pain. I cannot live my life like normal people, I am even forbidden to eat in a restaurant and I am not allowed to go grocery shopping either, I have to buy everything online and one of my father's workers deliver them to me. That is very awkward. But not only that, people only want my attention to impress my father or because they want presents from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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