Yami: " it's a real shame what happened to seihi. But you protected the villagers hold your heads high you should be proud of yourselves you idiots."

Me Asta and Magna: " Sir!"

Just then Finral and Vanessa come back They explained what all they knew about the situation and after some investigation from the investigation department

Yami: " Alright everyone shut up and listen we will leave the investigation to the pros and wait for the report to come out. now that's settled I've got some good news for you."

Y/N: "Good news? What about?"

Asta: " Yeah tell us!"

Yami: " Believe it or not the wizard king himself has recognized your efforts for your work in saussy village! You earned us a star."

We all shout excited mostly because it's from the wizard king.

Finral: " congrats you four."

Asta: " Thanks but what does the star mean?"

Magna: "Your celebrating without even knowing what it's for?"

Vanessa: " for honors it's also apart of a competition the golden dawn are currently in the lead with 70."

Asta: " 70!"

Y/N: " Cap what about us?"

Asta: " We can't be that far behind!"

Yami let's the star go to the board and it doesn't even stay up.

Yami: " with this one we are at negative thirty. Finally an even hundred away from the golden dawn."

Noelle: " NEGATIVE!"

Asta: " Huh?!?"

Y/N: "No no no this can't be! Cap you gotta send me on more missions! I have an obligation as the oldest brother to show the little brothers up in every way!"

Yami: " I'll get back to you on that next order of business this month wages have come in here you go."

He hands out our money

Y/N: "Woah this is more money than I've had my entire life! I wanna get a dog."

Yami: " If you get a dog and it shits anywhere in here I'll kill you!"

Y/N: " *Pouting* spoil sport."

Noelle: " Why do you want a dog?"

Y/N: " Why not?!?! At any rate I was joking I'll just send this back home."

Noelle: " what? All of it?"

Y/N: " Yep I might keep a 100 Yul but no more than that the church is more important and i have people I want to take care of."

Noelle: "* blushing*. That's sweet of you. To bad this is barely pocket change."

Asta: " What? You could buy ten years worth of pop potatoes!"

Noelle: " What the heck are pop potatoes."

Y/N: " It's a pretty common crop grown in Hage little lumpy but when you give them to sister Lily she makes something that taste amazing don't know how she does it!"

Asta: " Exactly why I'm going to marry her someday! She so beautiful and caring and perfect!"

Noelle: " If she is a sister she can't get married she is a woman of the cloth. Idiot."

Asta: " Ack! I'll make it work!"

Y/N: " hey your stupid but your not wrong sister Lily if not for being a sister would be an ideal wife plus she is strong don't underestimate her if she wasn't a sister I'd try."

Noelle: " Hmph! Does that mean you like a girl w-who could cook?"

Y/N: " Yeah probably."

Vanessa comes up to us

Vanessa: " Congratulations on your first payday! So what are you going to spend it on."
She wraps an arm around me and I couldn't help but flush cause let's be honest her body is erotic and she loves to tease me apparently

Y/N: " Asta and I plan on sending it home to the church back in hage where we are from."

She pokes my face and presses her chest against my side

Magna: " Good! That's what a real man does runts! Helps his family!"

Asta: " Yeah! You sending yours home to Magna?!?"

Magna: " yeah when I have a 100 times more!"

Noelle: "(he never learns)"

Vanessa: " You two shouldn't send it all home though spend a a little on yourself."

Y/N: "I don't really want anything so I'll just send it all home."

Vanessa: " We can go shopping in castle town tomorrow Don't worry I'll take care of you."

She kisses me on the cheek then walks away

Y/N: "I can't take much more of this I'm gonna lose either my control or sanity before I even become wizard king!"

Noelle: "(Why is she all over him like that! Trying to seduce him! Wait why do I care?!?)"

Hey everyone good to write for you again here's the deal new system of how I'll be writing my stories here on out for awhile so here is the thing I'll be writing in arcs so it will be a while before the next few chapters come out this was just an experimental stage it will be plenty more chapters that come out every month I'll work on as many as possible then post them usually if I finish an arc that's when I'll post them

Unyielding spirit(black clover x Male Uchiha reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя