Chapter 1

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A few more strokes should do it. For hours she had been working on this piece and she could see the boys fidgeting. To their credit, they'd both sat there for at least an hour without complaining. She dipped her brush into the white paint and added the oh-so-small light in their eyes. She set the palette and brush down before taking a couple of steps back, examining the piece.
"Aaaand done," she said as the man next to her gave the twins a thumbs up.

They both sighed in relief and jumped from their seat, running over to see the new masterpiece their mother had created. Both stood either side of her whilst her brother stood and waltzed over. Jun, the one twin, gasped and smile broadly.
The two children in the painting sat back to back, looking at the viewer with cheerful smiles. Jirou, the other twin also stared in awe at the art.

"Wow mother, you still paint really well!" Jun complimented with a sweet smile aimed at Shizuko. The woman smiled.

"Thank you, dear," she responded softly "I have to get a painting of you two for my new office, after all."

"Of course," Aion, her brother, spoke. "Your advancement in the ranks is sure to be great!"

"Temporary advancement," Shizuko corrected her sibling, raising an index finger. "If Hinamori was not in such a state, I don't doubt she would've taken over for now."

"Still, it'll be like a trial. So if you do ever officially become a Captain, you'll already know the gist of it, Shizuko." He pointed out. She couldn't disagree with that entirely. She shrugged as she picked up the palette and brush, going to wash them in a water bowl whilst her family followed.
Shizuko had been quite vague on her 'promotion' simply because...well, she hadn't been told much herself.

She was simply a replacement for Aizen until they found a suitable candidate to take his place. Though of course, Shizuko had to be to the Captain standard or she wouldn't be getting ready to become one.
But was she even ready? Ready to take on a whole Squad? Aizen may have been a traitor but she couldn't help but give him credit for managing to look after his Squad so well. He certainly treated her with respect in the short time she'd spent around him as his 3rd seat. Hinamori certainly trusted him...and he abused that.

"So does this mean we'll get bigger rooms now that you're gonna be richer?" Jirou asked as the twins shadowed their mother.

"Richer?" Shizuko rose a brow "I don't think my payment will be enough to get a bigger house right now."

"Oh...I see." The look of slight disappointment on her son's face was enough for her. She sighed and grasped his full cheeks in her hands "Don't make that face. I promise you one day we will get a bigger, better home than the one here. You just have to be patient, little one," She assured him with a small smile. Jirou's expression remained, his large eyes staring up at her as he held out his pinkie finger.


She linked her pinkie with his


The two were smiling now when Shizuko sighed.

"Anyway. I suppose it is time for my...investiture, you might say." She took the canvas from the easel to quickly put in her bedroom for now.

The four lived in a small humble part of the Rukong District. Well, Shizuko wasn't there all that much nowadays. Since becoming a Shinigami, she'd mostly stayed in the Squad 5 barracks in case she was needed by Aizen or others. One of the prices of becoming stronger for her family was that she wouldn't see them as much. However, she'd be right there if they were ever in any trouble.

"Is Ren going to be escorting you there?" Aion asked which made Shizuko pause and looked around, walking outside of the small house.

"Yes...where is be, by the way? Have you seen him today?"

"No. Not like it's out of character for him though, right?"

As if on cue, Shizuko heard heavy and quick footsteps behind her and strong arms wrapping around her.

"Aaah Shizu! Today is your promotiooooon~," the man spoke in a sing-song whilst Shizuko's cheeks heated up.

"Uncle Ren!" Jun and Jirou said in unison. Once Ren let go of Shizuko the twins ran and tackled the purple-haired man, knocking him down.

"Jun! Jirou! My how you've both grown! It's been so long since I've seen you!"

The twins giggled a little at that.

"But you saw us yesterday!"

"I did? Oh right, I did!" Ren chuckled. The three sat on the floor for a moment, Ren ruffling both of their hairs.

"Well soon enough you two will probably be as tall as me, your mother and Uncle Aion! Maybe even stronger than us, too!"

That hyped the twins up and they nodded.

"I'm gonna be the strongest!" Jirou said as he playfully flexed his thin arms.

"And I'll be the smartest!" Jun added as he motioned to his head with a wink.

"You two will be a force to be reckoned with!" Ren exclaimed as he stood, patting himself down a little to tidy himself up. "But for now, I am here to escort your mother to her new position!" His smile aimed at the twins switched to the older Moris. He walked beside Shizuko and held an arm out, bowing a little. "Madame."

The red-haired woman rolled her eyes before smiling, nodding and holding onto his arm.

They started walking, hearing the twins shouting encouragement before they ran off to go and play. Aion gave them a gentle wave before heading back inside the house.

"So," Ren started as he looked down at her "excited?"

"Sort of. It's a little 50/50 right now. What if I need to make a speech? I haven't prepared." Shizuko looked ahead whilst Ren's eyes were on her.

"Well lucky for you, I already have a speech for you!"

Shizuko rose a brow as Ren cleared his throat.

"I am so happy to be the Captain of the 5th Squad! I, Shizu Mori am better than Aizen by a landslide as I am not a traitor! I also have much better hair! Better than all of yours, too!" Ren spoke in a high pitched voice, mocking her tone. Shizuko made an unimpressed yet unsurprised face. Typical.

"Why did I expect you to be serious?" She muttered a little with a small smirk. Soon she chuckled with a little snort. "Besides I don't sound like that."

"No. Right now you sound like a pig!" Ren joked before mocking her snort. That only made Shizuko laugh more. More snorts.

The two kept joking and talking until they arrived at the Gotei 13. That was when Shizuko had to put her serious face on.

It wasn't that Shizuko wanted to seem moody to everyone else. She just...didn't want to seem as vulnerable. Ukitake and such may be fine being friendly openly but Shizuko preferred to keep it on the down-low. Made her look more professional. Of course, at times a few fake smiles were thrown here and there but never laughs or jokes. Besides, her duty was to lead a Squad, not make best friends and hang out. She was taking this seriously.

After they had walked all of the way to Division 1. At the doors, Ren stopped with Shizuko. He looked down at her with a soft smile.
"Right. Stop worrying about any speeches and'll do great. I know it," he spoke in a softer tone and nudged her a little as he let go of her arm. " Now go in there amazing, Shizu."

"Thank you Ren...but remember the rule-"

"I know, I know. Good luck...Miss Mori." He winked as she then looked at the doors. Taking a deep breath, she entered. There they stood. What was left of the Captains of the Gotei 13. As a grown woman and someone who was rarely too nervous, Shizuko did pause for a moment. She saw the old man with the long beard stood there.

Time 'amazing,' as Ren put it.

"Apologies if I am late, Head Captain." She spoke in a rather flat tone, her eyes only on Yamamoto as she walked in deeper. She did glance at a few of the Captains but it was for no more than a second.

"You were not late. Just in time, I would say, Miss Mori," Yamamoto spoke. She bowed in front of him and stood there.

She saw his Lieutenant walk over with her haori folded neatly. After handing it to her Yamamoto spoke to the others of her position. She carefully unfolded the clothing and slipped it on. Due to Aizen leaving with his, they had to make an entirely new one. At least that meant it fit her.

"Now as Head Captain of the 1st Division. I will be the first to address you as Captain Mori. I hope you will follow all law and regulations."

Shizuko nodded respectfully.

"I will, Head Captain. Thank you."

Phew. No speech.

She took her place between the 4th and 6th Captain. Captain Unohana and Captain Kuchiki. She didn't dare look at the two, even if she saw Unohana glancing at her with a smile that Shizuko had assumed was supposed to be comforting. She had heard Unohana was a lovely woman so it did bring some comfort. Unlike the tall savage with the eyepatch stood in the opposite line.

Once the meeting was over, Shizuko kept her head down. Just get out and go to the barracks.

However, her plans were put at a pause when she heard some voices.
"Well, well, well. Nice to see you here, Miss Mori."

She turned to see Shunsui Kyōraku and Jūshirō Ukitake, Captains of the 8th and 13th Division. Both offered a smile whilst Shizuko turned around to them fully.

"It is strange to be here, admittedly, Captain Kyōraku."

The two walked closer, Shunsui shrugging a little.

"Ah, you'll get used to it all eventually. We've all been there. Even us two!" He chuckled whilst Ukitake smiled softly.

"I hope you will like your time as Captain, Miss Mori." The white-haired man spoke, Shizuko's eyes switching to him. The corner of her lips tugged upwards ever so slightly.

"Thank you."

"So as a small celebration, how about you and your friend come around to my barracks and have a drink? I have some good Sake waiting," Shunsui offered, motioning to Ren who was stood a little distance from the corridor they were in. Ren gave a small innocent wave.

"I thank you for your offer," Shizuko's eyes switched back to the brunette "but I think I will pass. I have yet to address my Squad members and get everything set up, after all. I will consider it once all that is done. "

"Ah. True, true." Shunsui nodded in understanding. "Well my offer stands. Me and Ukitake will be up until late at night so take your time in deciding. If you decide to decide."

"Thank you," she bowed respectfully before she continued walking...only to be stopped again by a shadow casting over her.

"So, you were chosen eh?"

She rolled her eyes when she saw Ren holding in a giggle. She turned around and nearly broke her neck when she looked up at Kenpachi.

"Means you could be strong. Fancy testing it out?" He asked, his menacing eye looking down at her in anticipation.

"No." Shizuko stated flatly. That caused the smile on the man's face to drop a little but it soon returned.

"Why? Too scared? Too weak?"

"Too mature to fight a child like you," another voice chipped in, one that was rather flat as well. Shizuko glanced to see Byakuya Kuchiki. Shizuko had always found herself a little tense around him. From what she knew and had heard rumours of, he was quite the teacher's pet. Or in this case, Head Captain's pet. A real rule abider. Not that Shizuko was to critique such a thing. It was the rare times she was around him, he was so cold and distant.

"Ah, of course you would butt in, Kuchiki." Kenpachi mumbled. Just his mere presence made Kenpachi lose interest. The tall man trudged down the corridor whilst Shizuko watched him.

"Pay no mind to him," Was this the first time speaking to her? Pretty sure.

"I already haven't been...thank you, though, Captain Kuchiki."

The only time she looked at him was as he was walking away but he did pause for a moment to glance back at her.

"I trust you will be as loyal to this position and follow the rules. They may not be the best...but they keep the peace."

"I will keep that in mind."

With that Shizuko was finally left to walk down the corridor. However, she had caught the small moment in front of her. As Mayuri left the corridor, he and Ren glanced at each other. The Captain smirked whilst Ren was near scowling, crossing his arms. Once Mayuri had gone and Shizuko approached her friend, Ren's smile was back.

"Ready to be escorted to your barracks, m'lady?" He chuckled. Shizuko nodded and the duo started walking.

A new life, almost. Seemed to be going far.

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