Chapter 1

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It was the beginning of August 2010 I had finally gotten the chance to pursue my career as an actor. Through out my life, it was hard for me to try and find anything that seemed to be fun. And before I babble on more, my name is Avan. I am 17 And I live in Canada with my parents: Michael and Wendy, and my older brother Ketan.

I'm known to be sort of shy, and I never went out much. I also was never one to have friends to hang out with after school or really go to after school activities and such. Book clubs were boring. I even thought sports would be good for me. Baseball and Soccer. But you know, sports just aren't my thing. Although, I do love to cook and eat some nice juicy cheeseburgers. But cooking? It's more of a hobby than it would ever be a career.

Once my mom noticed how well I could remember lines from a TV show, a song, even a commercial to reinact them, she thought I would make a great singer or actor. And she noticed this a really long time ago

Mom was amazed on how well I could sing. Even at one years old. When people told me I should try drama and acting, I thought it was the perfect idea that fit really well for me. Although, not very many people were so supportive on the idea. No one took me seriously. I'd always hear;

"Try something more realistic for a job - Like being a real estate agent like your dad!"

I shake my head to that. Because, you know, I'm not gonna be a copy of someone else. It's not who I am. I've been one to be unique in my own way. And I'm gonna fight for what I want no matter what it takes. I'm not one to follow into my parents footsteps. As you can tell my dad is a real estate agent. He makes good money, but to me; it's just not my thing. My mom is a caregiver for senior citizens. I've actually considered the medical field ... bu-u-t I'm not your straight A student. I'm your 2.0 GPA student who doesn't really care and just wanted to get by to be honest.

When I was in High School, I decided to put myself out there and went ahead to try and audition for the school play. I needed to get an idea on how acting worked, rehearsals, performance, you get the idea.


" When are they gonna have auditions for the play at school? " Asked my mom.

"Tomorrow. The teacher had told us to just show up and have a monolauge ready to go! " I  said.

" I'm really excited for you! I know you're gonna get a part! You worked hard on your audition and if they say no then something isn't right with them."

"Thanks mom." I replied as I gave her a hug.

The next day around 2:45 PM, I walked into the theater class room where people were waiting to audition for the play. It was extremely crowded. Unfortunately for me? I didn't even get a spot to audition.

I go up to this girl who was calling out names for those who have signed up.

"Is ther another list thats going around for people to sign up?"

"Um, no. That's it. The list is full and you can't auditon. I wouldn't even let you even if you signed up on time. And that's the thing that actors need to have. They need to know how to do things right and on time. And you have none of it. Why would you even audition anyway? You don't have the looks and no one in theater even knows you, I'm not sure why you're even here. Ha- ha." Said the theater girl with a snobby attitude.

I laughed. "If you say so. And another thing, go fuck yourself." I walked out and never came back.

Present time.

At that point, I just about had it with these rude ass people here. I don't understand why I've always been rejected. But I guess these kids think they've got it all because they're up the teachers ass and they're his favorite. It's stupid and I'm glad I didn't even get involved.

From here on out, I searched and searched and did all I could to learn acting and took a class and had meetings with a tutor people had recommended. Her name is Debbie. She is an acting teacher at another High School but; also does private tutoring. When I noticed how well her reviews were for other students in drama I knew that she could be a great source to help get me ready for LA. She had me practice so many monolauges and scenes from plays. Then, I knew what to do. It was like a piece of cake. Once my teacher knew how much I had learned and how well I perform, she surprised me with something I never thought she'd even think to do.

"Hey Avan?" She called.

"Yeah Debbie?"

She handed me a plane ticket. It said Flight 1366 Open flight - from Vancouver to Los Angeles USA. My eyes practically popped out of my head and my heart stopped beating for a minute.

"What is this?" I asked.

"This here is an open ended plane ticket to Los Angeles and back. Go home right now. Pack your bags. And when you're ready. You'll fly back to move there for good."

"I don't even know what to say.. I can't even accept this." I gave the ticket back.

She put the ticket back into my hands and folded my fingers over it so I couldn't let go.

"Avan please. You're one in a million, and you earned this! I am more than proud of you, and I am honored to have been the one to help you earn the skills you need. You were meant to do this. All those people who didn't think this was possible? They're wrong. The kids at your school have no idea how good you are because they're a bunch of little assholes to me. You learned way more from me than they will know. Oh, and your parents already know what I've done. This is something that we discussed about a week ago. So here is your ticket to success. I know you're ready." she told me.

I gave her a tight hug and laughed in excitment. I was really shocked aswell.

" I can't even believe this! I am just in awe quite frankly. Thank you so much! I don't know how I can even repay you." I looked at her.

She smiles and replies back with "You already did. And you're gonna be great"

I ran out of the studio to my car and quickly drove myself back home and I pretty much cried tears of joy. I ran in and my parents and my brother were there waiting for me. They already had their things packed. My dad yelled with excitement

"Hurry and get ready! Pack your things! We've got dreams to make!" He said

"If you hurry faster to we can go out to eat wherever you'd like! It can be the fanciest restaurant in town!" My mom yelled upstairs to my room.

It almost seemed unreal to me. I'm about to just pee everywhere. That's how overwhelmed I am. I still was in so much shock while packing my suitcase. So many things run through my mind. Then when my bag got packed with every bit of clothing, shirts, boxers, socks, pants, hats, you name it. Then my Macbook, of course my iPhone charger, laptop charger, my beats solo headphones. And a comfy pillow. I was definitely set for what I had to look forward to. And whether I got callbacks or not from auditions, this whole experience right now just means the world to me. I'm giving my all and showing it with confidence.

I bring my things down stairs and go through the garage and put my suitcase in the trunk of the mini van.

My mom stood next to me as I was sorting my things in the trunk.

"Are you ready?'

I look over.

"I've been ready."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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