Chapter One

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If you read the description, apologies for it being so damn long. Also, (M/n)'s appearance is above.

Chapter One | Lost

You don't realize how important something is until it's gone.



It was cold.

A mere jacket couldn't support the small body of the four year old, who sat freezing in the corner of an alleyway as he watched people drive and walk by, laughing as if their lives were perfect. Well, compared to his own, it probably was. Dry tear stains stained his skinny cheekbones, he hadn't bothered to wipe them when more would just cascade down. He lips were tinted a slight blue, small tongue licking over them each second that passed by to erase the dryness only for the cold to make it even more uncomfortable. It hurt, every limb on his body felt numb it was almost as if he couldn't comprehend what was happening anymore.

To cut it short, the boy looked dead.

His shivering was as noticeable as the shaking trees that swayed back and fourth from such strong wind, little pained coughs exiting his mouth every minute. He felt empty, and that a feeling a child at his age shouldn't have. All the hope and determination he had before had left him completely.

He was so lost in thought he didn't notice a tall man peaking through from a corner of the alleyway, he only noticed as his footsteps neared and became louder with each step. Looking up, he found himself staring at the gray haired man, he looked fairy old judging by the slight wrinkle of the face but he could be wrong. He blinked up at him in confusion, wondering what this strange man wanted. Why didn't he leave him alone like everyone else did? Did you want something? Confused, he voiced hi thoughts.

“D–Do you need something mister?” His voice came out croaky as expected, making him wince at the burn in his throat. The man remained expressionless, before smiling warmly. Crouching down, he placed a hand on the boys head. “Shouldn't I be asking you that?” He chuckled, it almost made the boy crack a smile, but it's been so long that he forgot how to even curl his lips.

Instead, he shook his head, feeling smaller than he was as he met the mans gaze. “N–No, no one's asked me that before.” The man grinned warmly, it was a smile that made the boy feel comfort. For once, he felt safe in someone's presence. The man frowned, it made the boy think he said something wrong to remove such a smile.

“Well then,” The man started, stretching out a hand. “Would you like to come with me? I can see you aren't stable enough to be out here by yourself kiddo.” (M/n)'s eyes widened, mouth gaping open at the sudden gesture. Normally, a smart person would turn down an offer like this to a stranger, but (M/n) sensed no harm in this man. Before he knew it, a large smile was stretching the corners of his cheeks as he pushed himself to stand with the little strength he had, running into the mans arms wth glee.

The man was surprised, not expecting him to do such a thing so suddenly. But he hugged back, lifting the boy off he feet and into his arms, not even caring that his clothes were getting stained from the dirt the child had collected onto his own. He smiled at his muffled sobs, rubbing a hand on his gray locks, messing it up even more than it already is.

“What's your name kiddo?”

There was a pause. It'd been so long since he'd uttered his name from his lips, so it made him over think. The child thought for a moment, before he beamed up at Shiro.

“(M)–(M/n) (L/n).”


“Boys! Come here for a second.” Shiro called out towards the supposed twins (M/n) was supposed to meet. To say the least, he was terrified to be in such an unfamiliar place, even more when he heard the loud thumps of the boys running footsteps. (M/n) heard muffled voices from around the corner of one room.

“R–Rin! Slow down, you could fall!” A shy child's voice exclaimed, followed by another confident sounding one. “Yeah right, I never fell once before so what makes you think it will happen now?” Unconsciously, (M/n) tucked himself into Shiro's neck for comfort to which the gray haired male responded by running a hand through his own gray locks.

Soon enough, two small boys came rushing through. Rin immediately caught sight of (M/n) and tilted his head. Yukio followed hi gaze, before his eyes widened. Shiro grinned down at them, crouching down to let (M/n) jump down. The boy didn't move, instead he shook his head and shuffled closer shyly. Shaking his head, Shiro remained crouched.

“Boys, meet your new brother.”

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