Stolen love

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Needs to be edited.

I wrote this song a long time ago

You took me from my house and into yours and you shared your dreams,we walked to the land of mistrust and that's when you stole my heart to bleed, before we shared our secrets and gave them away we took each others pain away, you showed me your way to live and broke it into bits, then you broke the part of me that hurt the most,i just wanted you to be mine but you left me to lie their all alone breathing without you lifting my spirit when you return, you where their when I cried you were their when my soul died, my heart was yours and you took it away and you broke it into pieces and shared it with your friends put it back together and that's is where it ends you shared it with your family you shared it with you friends you out it back together and that's how we now where just meant to be friends.

Thanks xxx

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