Chapter 11 (Kai's Truth)

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I had given Kai at least a month to have some time and think about how we were going to include me in Tucker’s life, while the whole time I began to support him financially. I’d had my lawyers draw up a new will listing him and Angela as the sole heirs to my estate, and to have a check of at least $1000 issued to Kai on the first of every month to cover his expenses. I knew it couldn’t compare to all that she had done, but baby steps first, especially seeing how I wasn’t seeing him frequently at the moment.

“Are you nervous,” my mother asked as she squeezed my shaking hands.

“Just a little bit, I’m afraid that Kai won’t show,”

“Now why is that Jason,” she said with an eyebrow raised.

“Shannon you know that the two of you didn’t leave things on a good note when we got divorced. She blamed you for all my issues, as did I, and you called her a money grubbing whore.

 Now here we are trying to build a family for Tucker and those old issues, old wounds aren’t healed,” I told her being frank and honest. To say that Kai and my mothers’ relationship wasn’t the worst would be an understatement. Shannon had started coming around again shortly after we’d gotten married, and me trying to be a better man I slowly let her in, which Kai didn’t understand. I had told her the countless stories of neglect and hurt Shannon had caused, and in her mind she’d concluded that I didn’t need the woman in my life. Yet, I knew that I needed my mother someway, somehow.

“That’s water under the bridge for me now, besides that was years ago. I’m sure she’s changed now,” Shannon said throwing me an assuring smile, and squeezing my hand again. All I could do was nod and say a prayer silently to myself that she was right, Aniyah said to let it all go…but what did Aniyah know?

“Here she comes,” Shannon said with joy in her heart.

Kai looked stunningly beautiful. She had her natural hair out today, and it was beautifully twisted up into a bun on top her head. She looked like she’d lost a few pounds, but her curves were covered with a simply black and turquoise maxi dress with the Grecian sandals. Tucker being the wide eyed child he always appeared to be wore a matching shorts suit and Sperry’s.

“Tucker, what you say?” she asked him pulling him from behind her back.

“Hi daddy,” he said with a toothy smile.

“Hey Tucker, I have someone very special for you to meet,” I said grabbing his hand and walking him over to my mother.

“Hello lady,” he said laughing at something that was only funny to him.

“Lady is that anyway to greet your Nana,” she said grabbing him and placing him in her lap.

“You’re my Nana, cool!” he said looking at Kai for reassurance and all she could do was laugh, better than expected.

“Yup, I’m your daddy’s mommy and maybe one day we can be really close. Would you like that Tucker?”

“Yeah, my other Nana went to fly with the angels and I really miss her, “he replied with his shoulders beginning to slump.

“Well, I’m sure I could never replace her, but maybe we can do some of the things you guys liked doing together,” she said grabbing him in another hug.

Leaving them to get acquainted, I and Kai went for a walk around the garden to settle a few matters.

“You’re doing well for yourself Mr. Covington,” she said taking in the garden and fountain that compromised of my backyard.

“It was decorated with you in mind, but that isn’t here or there. Have you talked with LiAnna about what we discussed?”

“Yes and she isn’t happy about it one bit. She’s still stewing in her boots that I brought him to meet Shannon considering our past and all. Yet, I know how important it is to both of you that he has a family and I would never want to deny him that,”

“Then why are you being so stubborn!”

“If you continue to raise your voice at me this will be the last time I do anything that you asked of me. I completely take responsibility for hiding Tucker from you, but as I’ve stated numerous times I did for good reason. Especially seeing how he has to share his fortune with Naima’s daughter. I’m still stumped on how she gets 50% of all this,” she said waving her hands around indicating my home.

“Because first and foremost it’s my money, and secondly she is my God child, meaning that she is just as much mine as Tucker is. Although her parents will provide nicely for her, I’m with the old way of doing things and it’s staying like that, so please don’t trip. Besides whatever I choose to do with my wealth is none of your concern,” I said walking away from her trying to control my anger.

“True, but what does concern me is the type of environment you’re trying to bring my child in. LiAnna and I both agree that we need to wait awhile before extended visits. We don’t know what women you are parading around him, or who’s going to help you with him while you’re busy with the magazine. He has never had any type of nanny or other caregivers except for us, and I don’t expect to start doing any of that now,” she said following behind me.

“Kai, I don’t get it why are you being difficult, do you hate me?”

“No Jason I love you very much, but I love my wife and little boy more,”

“He doesn’t belong to her,”

“That is where we disagree,” she replied disappearing back into the house and watching Shannon and Tucker put a puzzle together.

“He looks so at peace,” she said letting out a heavy sigh.

“Do you really want to tell me what’s going on, or are we going to have to continue doing this song and dance,” I asked coming up behind her and wrapping my hands around her waist. I knew it was wrong to touch her in such an intimate way, but I felt so close to her at this very moment. She wrapped her hands around mine and led me into the next room over. Sighing she removed her shoes, rubbed her neck and began her tale.

“LiAnna and I…well we’ve been having some problems for about a year now. It started because ever since Tuck started day care he always asks why he doesn’t have a daddy like his little friends. Or how do two women make a baby, things I didn’t think I’d have to worry about for a few more years. Yet, he kept asking more and more questions, and LiAnna would create fairytale shit for him instead of the truth. That’s when I knew I had to find you and I had to let you discover him for yourself. Of course she wasn’t happy, she felt betrayed because we promised never to involve you in our lives again. Sometimes I think she feels threatened by you, like I’m going to leave her. I’ll admit I still have a ton of love for you, but that’s my wife. I love that woman with everything in me and I just can’t see myself without her. Yet, sometimes I don’t know Jay…she has a very dark side and that scares me. Sometimes I don’t even trust her with Tucker anymore because her anger is so unreal, she’s constantly yelling and fighting me for control. She threw a glass against the wall this morning right before we left,” she said as tears began to cascade down her face.

“Kai that isn’t love, don’t you see she's manipulating  you?”

“Like you manipulated me?”

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