The low shine of the sun was slowly fading as time passed and Levi could feel the tale-tell signs of himself getting hungry. Stomach grumbling wasn't far behind. It seemed Nico was feeling the same way. 

"I'm hungry."

"Me too."

"I'll cook," Nico stands from the couch, ready to make his way to the kitchen, only for Levi to grab his wrist and yank him back down onto the couch. He lets out a surprised yelp as he falls back onto the cushions, which eventually turns into laughter after a couple of seconds. 

Levi laughs along with him as he gets up himself, racing off into the kitchen with Nico scrambling up off the couch after him. Just as Levi reaches the kitchen, Nico comes up behind him, wrapping his arms around Levi's waist and lifting him up off the ground. Levi initially yells at Nico to put him down, even though he is laughing. They both are, again, and their stomachs hurt from just how much they truly are. 

Nico takes a few strides into the kitchen before he places Levi back down, never unwrapping his arms from Levi's waist, holding him hostage. Levi doesn't exactly mind, however. Instead, he spins around in Nico's grip and presses his hands up against Nico's chest. 

"I'm not letting you go," Nico mutters, taking a few steps back until he hits the edge of the countertop. 

"Hm, that doesn't seem so bad," Levi hums, tapping his fingers idly against Nico's chest. The small gesture causes Nico to grin. "I'm still hungry, though."

Nico nods in agreement, though hesitates for a moment before deciding to let Levi go. As much as he would love to have Levi in his arms forever, he would also love to eat. Forever wouldn't be long if they both starved to death after all. 

Levi shuffles over to one of the cupboards and opens it up, having to stretch up to actually reach it. Nico won't admit it, but it does make him laugh a little. Levi ponders for a moment as his eyes scan over the random assortment of food items above him. He makes a mental note to sort it out properly - when he can be bothered, that is. 

A sigh sounds from Levi as he turns to face Nico, arms folded across his chest. Nico just raises a brow. 

"We don't have much," Levi complains. Nico lifts his shoulders in a shrug as he makes his way over to Levi's side. He checks in the cupboard as well. Levi's right. It's pretty plain- and bare. 

"Huh," Nico starts. He thinks to himself, mentally trying to think of something they could make with the random assortment of food items they have on hand. "You know, I really think we should go shopping at some point." 

"That could be helpful,"

"Tell me about it,"

They fall into silence as they both try to think of something, anything, that they can make. The growing feeling of hunger only makes it that much harder to think clearly. 

"We could do pasta?" Levi suggests, though Nico wrinkles his nose at the thought of it. 

"Too boring," He has a point, Levi thinks. "I think we have some of that sauce my family gave me. It should be in one of these cupboards somewhere. That could help it be less boring?"

Levi knows just what Nico is talking about. Without a word to each other, they both split up and start searching the kitchen for the jar of sauce. It wasn't like it exactly blended in - the jar was perhaps the most decorated thing Levi had ever seen. At least it served its purpose. 

Nico checks the shelves, moving things about, replacing them, knocking a couple of items over. Still, there was no sign of the jar. He's sure that they still had some somewhere. Maybe he had just dreamt that it existed. 

Levi searches down the other end of the small kitchen, checking every nook and cranny that the jar could possibly be hidden in. Half of him is convinced they used it, while the other half is convinced that it just doesn't exist. 

He also thinks that finding a unicorn would be an easier task. 

Levi can feel his stomach grumble and complain as they continue to search. All he wants now is to find this jar so they can eat some damn food without it being so plain and boring that it makes him want to cry. 

Both of them are about to give up and call it a day, when Levi finally spots the jar. 

And, of course, it was on the highest shelf.

Though that was no obstacle for Levi. He takes a glance at Nico, who is standing with one hand on his hip, a frustrated look plastered across his face. Levi can tell that he is thinking hard about where he had left it. A competitive wave kicks in and Levi decides that he'll get the jar himself, so he can brag to Nico about it. 

Without a moment's hesitation, Levi hauls himself up onto the kitchen counter. He stops and makes sure Nico isn't paying attention (which he isn't - he's still trying to find the jar) before continuing on with his mission. 

Levi perches on his knees, extending his arm up to try and reach the jar. It is just out of his reach, his fingertips just lightly grazing the side of the jar as he tries to get a hold of it. He's just about to stand on the countertop, which he knows will end in disaster, when Nico's voice snaps him back into reality. 

"Do you have a death wish?" Nico jogs over to where Levi is perched on the counter. Levi just shrugs as he continues to try and reach for the jar, to which Nico lets out a frustrated groan. It's clear Levi is adamant about getting this jar himself. 

"I've got this!" Levi says, voice slightly strained as he continues to reach for the jar. It's mocking him - he can sense it. 

"No, you don't!" Nico replies back, leaning his hip against the countertop. Levi almost slips as he reaches up again, and Nico instantly reacts by holding out his hands, just in case Levi did fall. 

He swears that Levi will be the absolute death of him one day. 

"Look," Nico sounds worried now, and Levi stops. He turns his attention to look down at Nico, and he almost feels guilty. "Get down. Please."

He contemplates it, takes a glance at the jar once more, then lets out a sigh of defeat as he climbs down from the countertop. Nico lets out the breath he'd been holding as Levi's feet hit the ground. 

Levi steps to the side as Nico takes his place, reaching up with no issue and grabbing the jar from the shelf. A disappointed look crosses Levi's face as Nico hands him the jar. 

"I almost had it," Levi mentions, though his voice is quiet. A fond grin replaces the look of worry on Nico's face as he lets out a chuckle. 

"I know you did," the jar gets placed on the side as Nico pulls Levi in for a hug, holding Levi close as he continues to sulk. "But we all need help sometimes."

Levi just hums and buries his face in Nico's chest. They stay like that for a minute or two, before a rumble from Nico's stomach breaks the silence, causing both of them to break into laughter. Levi pulls back from Nico's embrace and picks up the jar again, turning it as he examines the pattern. He then looks up, catching Nico's eye. 

"Want to make some pasta?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

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