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Changbin's POV

A few weeks had passed since Minho became the Alpha of the pack. Felix, Jisung, Seungmin and I were sitting outside enjoying the last of the summer warmth.

"Are you okay Sungie?" Felix asked, drawing my attention to the sad expression on Jisung's face as he watched Minho go about his duties.

"I'm fine." Jisung sighed in reply before slumping forward dramatically. "I lied, I'm not okay."

"What's wrong?"

"I feel bad for Minho." he bit his lip. "He won't have an heir to take over the pack."

I exchanged a glance with Felix before scooting closer to Jisung.

"Look Jisung, I know I was an ass for saying Minho deserves a female mate who can give birth to his children but after meeting Felix I realised there are more important things than having an heir."

He looked up at me with a flicker of hope in his eyes. "So Minho won't hate me in the future?"

"How can he hate you? You're his mate and you've completed the mating bond. You both share a connection that he won't find with anyone else."

"Besides have you seen the way he looks at you?" Seungmin chimed in. "He's fucking whipped."

A blush spread across Jisung's cheeks and a smile tugged at his lips. "I guess I'm just overthinking things."

"Jeongin still hasn't found his mate and he's grown almost as strong as Minho. I'm sure if his mate is female then Minho won't mind his brother providing the next heir." Felix said before laying his head in my lap.

I nodded and stroked his hair gently. "Don't forget that wolves from other packs will be arriving later today to officially celebrate Minho becoming Alpha. Maybe Jeongin will find his mate during the celebrations."

"I heard my name." I turned to see Jeongin standing behind me with a grin on his face.

"We were just saying that maybe today is the day you find your mate." I said as he took a seat next to Seungmin.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this." his eyes were bright as he thought about meeting his mate. "I really hope I meet him or her today."

"You've grown up so much Innie." Felix wiped away a tear dramatically. "When we first met you were so young and carefree but now you've matured and are just like your brother."

Jisung nodded. "I know Minho is so proud of you."

"And I am equally as proud of him." Jeongin responded and made eye contact with Jisung. "After meeting you he changed into a much better person."

Jisung opened his mouth to respond when suddenly Jeongin stiffened and looked into the distance. I was on high alert just in case Jeongin could sense something that my wolf hadn't picked up on yet.

"Mate." he whimpered as a longing whine made its way out his throat.

"Go!" I pushed him and watched in amusement as he scrambled to his feet and shifted into his wolf.

We were all silent as he ran in the direction he had been staring towards until Minho approached us.

"I've never seen Jeongin run so fast. Did he smell his mate?" 

"He did." Jisung confirmed and stood up to place a kiss on his cheek. "Have you finished everything you need to do? I know you take hours getting ready for important events and I don't want you to be late to your own celebration."

Minho smiled fondly. "Just one more thing left to do Ji. I only take a long time getting ready because you like to faff around with my outfit and make sure I look perfect."

"You look perfect all the time, but you stress so much so I like to help you out."

"Minho! There you are, I was looking everywhere for you." a flustered Hyunjin ran up to us and held onto his knees as he fought to catch his breath.

"You could have mind linked me to ask where I was." Minho rolled his eyes in amusement at his beta's forgetfulness. 

"Oh shit you're right. Anyway Jeongin-"

"Has found his mate, we know." Minho laughed. "He ran off like a bullet, it was quite impressive."

I squinted as I noticed two figures approaching us and then pointed when I realised who they were.

"Guys, Jeongin and his mate are coming!"

Everyone looked in the direction I was pointing and gasped in delight as they were giggling together and holding hands.

"Hi everyone." Jeongin said shyly and stared at the ground. "This is my mate, Sorn."

His expression softened as he looked at his mate. Sorn clearly felt the same way about Jeongin as she blushed profusely and then smiled at all of us.

"I'm the daughter of the beta from the CLC pack." she informed us. "Nice to meet you all."

"You're beautiful." Felix gushed, causing Sorn to turn an even brighter red.

"Your friends are so nice." she giggled and bounced on the spot happily. "Minho congratulations on becoming Alpha of the SKZ pack. Jeongin hasn't stopped boasting about how proud he is to be your brother."

"Shush." Jeongin said quietly in embarrassment. "His ego doesn't need to get any bigger."

Minho laughed and ruffled Jeongin's hair. "Thank you Sorn, I hope you plan to stay with us now that you've found your mate?"

"I will have to discuss that with my parents but I think they will be happy with me leaving to live with Jeongin."

"Good, celebrations start in a few hours so shall we all disperse and meet again when its time? I know Jisung is dying to get me into the shower."

Felix nudged me and raised his eyebrows suggestively at Minho's words.

"I think we should take a shower too."

"Baby we already took a shower this morning!"

"You can never take enough showers." I gulped as Felix winked and grabbed my hand.

"I guess we'll see you later then." I said as Felix dragged me in the direction of our room.

"Have fun!" Jisung yelled after us.

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