The Town

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Arya sat next to the girl in the back of the cart as they made their way towards the town. It was probably wise if they tried to make it before nightfall. They'd tarried for a long while on the side of the road as the family recovered from their ordeal. Arya had freed the man and attended to the shocked woman as the sobbing daughter threw herself at her mum.

While the family had clung on to each other Arya used her pony to drag the corpses of the three men deep into the woods. By the time the next set of travellers passed it looked as if the family had simply halted for a rest. Unless someone looked carefully at the floor and saw the blood mingled with mud, there was no evidence of the altercation. But since most folks were trying to keep to themselves and concentrate on eking a life out of what was left after the great war, it wasn't something that gave Arya concern.

She'd searched the bodies, relieving them of a decent amount of coin, even stashing their weapons and suitable pieces of armour on the cart. Arya knew they'd be able to sell them for a few more coins or swap them for precious food. It hadn't taken much for Arya to persuade the family to get on their way. The town they headed for Arya knew had its problems. It wasn't a great place for the family to be, but it was undoubtedly better than staying in the open overnight. The coins from the three corpses would be enough for them to spend a night or two in a tavern and eat well.

After profuse thanks and offering Arya what little food they had, she'd responded by asking to travel with them the rest of the way. A prospect that seemed a relief to the couple and excited Lisa. Though they were surprised when she asked if she could wear some of the mother's clothes. It turned out the family had clothes which used to belong to their eldest daughter. She'd been about Arya's height and lost in the great war. While Arya felt terrible about using something so precious to them, it was an opportunity she couldn't turn down.

Riding on the cart dressed in a blue and white dress that smelt of mould and itched like crazy, Arya was pleased she'd found a way to enter the town undetected.

Not that she expected anyone to recognise her as the legendary Arya Stark, but it would have been more challenging to explain why a girl was entering the town alone. Travelling with the family was perfect, and they seemed more than happy to pretend she was their daughter.

Lisa had hugged her declaring she had a new sister. Arya hadn't the heart to tell her that it would only be for a short time. The little girl's life in the world was going to be hard enough, so it seemed kinder to let her have a few days of joy while she could.

The shadows had lengthened with the sun sinking behind the forest as they neared the outskirts of the town. To the right, the tall trees began to thin a little, so they could see the immense River Maunder that watered the Reach. While the Reach seemed to be one of the first Kingdoms recovering from the Great War, the lands were steeped in lawlessness since the fall of House Tyrell. The Kingdom was swarming with remnants of the Lannister's who had fled to a place to begin again. While Cersei may be dead, and most of the family members slain, some had scattered like cowards in the face of the Daenery's army. These Lannisters were devious enough to find places where they could attempt to re-exert their power.

A wall encircled the half of the town not pressed up against the river bank. Arya could see it was in a state of disrepair. There was only the odd sentry manning the three watchtowers. The small castle was on the south side of the town looking out across the river where it widened and provided protection on three sides.

As the wagon approached a gatehouse which seemed to be lacking a gate, the family were greeted with callous disregard. There were a few people before them on foot who passed through with their baskets filled with berries, though Arya was sure she'd seen them place something in a wooden box near the foot of the entrance. A payment for passing unmolested no doubt.

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