Chapter 2

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The picture is Cassidy


"Roxanne! Did you eat the leftover steak already?!" I shouted to my roommate. "Yeah! And it was delicious!" She hollered back. I peered into the fridge. "Ugh, I'm gonna have to go out and get something to eat" I grumbled to myself. I went out to the car. I wasn't supposed to be driving yet, but if I just looked comfortable I'm sure no one will notice. I slipped into the car. It was cold out so I put on the heaters. "Now where's the key?" I mumbled to myself. I opened the sunblocker and the key slid down. "Gotcha!" I said to myself. I was about to walk out when a cat sat down right at the end of the driveway. It was moving its head to the right, specifically to the right... I looked over and saw there was a cop a little ways down the street. It was Mr. Hunter. I would have to get Roxanne to drive me there. I got out to go thank the cat, because I'm weird that way, but it was already gone. It couldn't have left without me noticing! But there were no footprints or ANYTHING. "Creepy" I muttered to myself as a shiver ran down my spine, telling me something was behind me. When I whipped around I saw it. The cat. It wasn't a normal cat, it was like a cross between ocelot and mountain lion. "You- um, thanks..." I said. It nodded at me, as if it understood me completely. Then it padded off into the snowy forest behind our house. "I hope when I go into wolf form I can find you- and really thank you. If I had been caught by the cops who knows what would've happened." Once again I was saying it to myself. I walked back inside and had Roxanne drive me to Burger King. I couldn't get that cat off my mind...

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