Time Flies

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4 years later:

August: Yn (looking for his car keys) Have you seen my keys?

Yn: (doing Gabby's hair) No baby look in the kitchen. Gabby hold still

Gabby: mommy I don't want to go to school

Yn: I don't care, Gabrielle,( puts her headband on)ve a ponerte los zapatos para que puedas ir August (walks into the kitchen and grabs his keys off the counter)

Aug: (walks into the kitchen) yes baby.. oh thank you I'm running late I have a meeting (kisses you softly and starts heading for the door) 

Yn: (kisses back) Aug wait, aren't you taking Gabby to school?

Aug: No baby I thought you were taking her (puts on his jacket)

Yn: (sighs) Aug I told you last night my surgery was pushed up I have to go now

Aug: Ughhh Ummm ok ill just call them and tell them I'm running behind, Gabby come on right now

Gabby: (walks downstairs ) ok daddy I'm ready 

Aug: Now look at you princess (straightens out Gabbys jacket) you look beautiful (smiles) go get in the car I'll be out in a sec

Gabby: (smiles and goes to the car)

Yn: (grabs your purse) Ok baby ill see you after work I love you(kisses Aug) 

Aug: (Kisses back) Ok baby I love you too (leaves)

Later that night:

Yn: (orders Zois Kitchen as you walk in the house and puts your purse on the table)

Aug: (walks up behind you and kisses your neck) Hey baby how was work

Yn: (smiles) It was good I had two surgeries and I'm a little tired but other than that it was great. Are you and Gabby hungry?

Aug: yes she a grilles cheese about three hours ago and I haven't eaten since lunch

Yn: Ok baby i just order it should be here in about 30 (turns and kisses Augs cheek) Gabbyyyy  (walks into her room) Hey baby girl

Gabby: mommyyyy (runs up to you and hugs your neck) will you play with me?

Yn:  We can play in a little bit baby we gotta get you in the tub before we eat ok? Come on.

40 minutes late:

Aug: (placing food on plates) baby the food is ready

Yn: (carry gabby to the table ) you hungry girly? (sits gabby in her high chair and sits down)

Aug: This looks so good Im staving

Yn: Me too (takes a bite) so how was your day, did you finish your song? (takes another bite)

Aug: (takes a bite) no I wish Im stuck, Ive hit a total wall, been hitting a wall for three weeks

Yn:(places your hand on Augs) Im sorry baby.

After dinner:

Yn: (in the shower)

Aug: (opens the bathroom door, and walks in)

Yn: (still singing)

Aug: (takes off clothes and gets in behind you)

Yn: (jumps a little) Oh my God you scared me (laughs a little)

Aug: (laughs and wraps his arms around you) Im sorry baby, well Gabby is down for the night..

Yn: (turns and faces him) well thats good to know (kisses his lips slowly)

Will He Change pt2Where stories live. Discover now