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Gomen ne~ T.T It's been way too long since this story had any attention, I don't really have an excuse just been busy at work (I got promoted and summer is always crazy) BUT I do plan to get back into this story so I wont bore you anymore!

Shiori stood before her mirror checking herself over for any flaws. Hair: check, face: check, skirt zip: check, buttons: done, bag: check, bento: check...Yosh all set for my second day! Shiori gave her reflection a small fist bump and left home for her second day of school. Shiori smiled to herself as she locked the door, the second day was always way easier for her, people didn't react as strongly to her and she found it easier to blend in. "Yare yare, are you done with your checklist?" 

"Eeek!" Shiori spun and saw Saiki standing at her gate "Kusuo?! Why are you here?" Her voice was quivering slightly from such a shock so early in the morning. "I  was just passing and came to make sure you wouldn't lose your nerve."  

"Why would I lose my  nerve before I even left the house." Shiori couldn't stop the pout as she threw a weak glare at Saiki who blankly looked back out of the corner of his eye before he started to walk to school. "Knowing you the slightest thing would set you off enough to either be late or skip school all together not even realising you spent all day worrying about the smallest thing."

"Kusou I'm not that bad!" Shiori flayed her arms as she started to catch up with Saiki up quickly paused "Ah wait a minute, isn't my house the opposite way to school from yours so how--ah!" Saiki started to pull her along by placing his hand on the back of her head. Don't think about it, it's not what you think I was only worried that yesterday's incident was still affecting you.

"Were you still worried about yesterday? "  Shiori couldn't stop the soft smile that graced her face as she giggled to herself  "And here you are trying to be a stone face uncaring boy." Before Saiki could formulate a response.

"Oh Aibou, Shiori ohayou." Yare yare Nendo who knew I would be very very slightly glad for your interruptions. (Why, why are you glad Kusuo-chan :3) Don't ask me, it's too early in the story for me to know that. "Let's get some Ramen." 

"Nendo-kun, we haven't been to school yet." Shiori's answer was met with Nendo's no one's home stare and she couldn't help but step closer to Saiki "D-d-demo maybe we could go after school, ne Kusuo..." Aah~ she crumbled, she crumbled to Nendo. Shiori tugged on his sleeve and looked  up to him with pleading eyes. "Yare yare, ramen wouldn't be so bad." (Aah~ he crumbled, he crumbled to Shiori)  Shiori smiled brightly and hugged his arm. Aigato Kusuo. (Yare yare, you two are so lovey dovey...well I guess I am going over the top cause I missed you two -///-)

Lunch break

Shiori sat at her desk with her bento "Ah~ bentos really are the best, Kusuo did you bring a bento?"

"Obviously, the cafeteria has too much chance for interruptions."

"Then lets eat together." she smiled and pulled her chair across to his desk "Is that ok wi--"

"Oi aibou, you have a bento too, lets eat together." Nendo pulled a chair up opposite Saiki.

"Oh Saiki." Yare yare now it's Kuboyasu and Kaido, it seems a peaceful lunch is out of the question today. "We'll join you, it's more fun with more that way." No it isn't.

Is this ok Kusuo? Saiki looked over to Shiori who wore a nervous expression, to him it was so obvious what she was thinking even if her inner voice was quietly waiting for his answer. If Kusuo doesn't want them here I suppose I could think up something and he could slip away...mmmn...I hope this is ok I've never had lunch with so many people. 

His smile (saiki kusuo x OC) Where stories live. Discover now