"Finally get caught of fondling guys I guess," the other person added, which made them went hysterical.

"Too bad he can't get any of us. Even among his kind of people he must be the worst," Joe teased.

I tried to ignore them the rest of the day. I only got rest during breaks and lunch. I got lucky though. This school has zero violence policy. But of course, even with those kind of rules, some students still would made fun of the others. If it were some any other school, I'd probably ended up with some bruises already. I dreaded the thought of meeting them again. But alas, I had to come back to the detention room. While putting up with their noises, I scratched some things just to fill the time. I'm not the studious type of person, but I never try to do anything that is not expected of a student to do either. As what those people said, I'm lanky as hell. I also had a weak body, which would ache even for the shortest time of jogging routines. I would often think of myself as the worst among my kind too. So the points they said were not too far off. There is really nothing attractive I could pick up from myself at all. Suddenly, the end of the school came without me even realizing it. I quickly sprang toward the exit.

"Hey, we are not done with you yet mopey face!" Joe shouted at me.

I rolled my eyes and turned to him at the door and gives him the smuggest smile I ever made. It just made them more enraged. They decided this was the right day to beat me up outside the school, so they followed me on my way home. I hoped for things like this to not happen that day because the last thing I wanted to go to is my house. But of course it had to be on the same day too. It's not long until they caught up to me and pinned me down at the alley.

"What is that funky face about, you motherf*cking fag?" Joe furiously asked.

"I don't know. What do you think?" I dared him. I knew that the situation wouldn't escalate to be any worse than it already was, so I decided to just give it off, "Do you like it? You want me to do it every day to you, Joey?"

"This b*tch just don't know when to stop huh?"

He then grabbed my collar and two of his friends pin down my hands. I squirmed but what could this weak body do? I notice one of them brought out a cigarette and lit it up. I knew what would happen. I squirmed even more and tried everything I could to get out of there. But it was no use.

"Maybe a burn scar on your chest would teach you one or two," Joe smiled, really excited to make me be scared even more.

They then unbuttoned my shirt, exposing my upper body to be played with. As the cigarette went closer, I closed my eyes, preparing for the pain. I tried to think of other things to compensate for the pain but all I see is black. I then think to myself, "If only I could push this guy away from me."

Suddenly I heard a thump on the ground and some 'wha?' around me. And then it went silent. No more laughing, no more shouting. Just silence. As I opened my eyes, I saw Joe lying on the ground on his back with a shocked face. I was confused. "How could he fell that far off", I asked myself in my head. The others let go of me and went to Joe to help. I was so confused.

"It can't be...," I whispered.

As I tried to put things together, one of them came to me and asked, "What the f*ck did you just do?"

Didn't want to be beaten, I thought of myself again, "I want this guy to fly off, away from me." And he did. He bounced high and far and crashed the garbage bin on the alley. My eyes opened as wide as I could, and so were the rest of them. Wanting to use the moment of shock, and just to avoid any suspicion, I buttoned my shirt back, picked up my things and ran away. Joe and his gang didn't chase me or call me, probably being scared or weirded out by what just happened. My head went spinning. I was confused and didn't know what I just did.
Did I always have them?

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