Part Seven

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a/n ~ OMFG GUYS IM BACK!!!! i got logged out of this account and am just now back in so sorry my lovely babies 🥺 i'm back now so on with the story

2 weeks later...

It's been two weeks since me and Gerard became friends. It's been nice and I started noticing I have feelings for him. But it's obvious he feels nothing for me.

It is honestly annoying and frustrating. I just want to be with him.
So badly.

I walk into the cafeteria to see my best friend, Mikey Way. I rush over to him and sit across from him.

"Hey Mikey" I say shyly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Yo Y/N wassup?"
"Eh nothing much"
Me and Mikey continued talking for a good 20 minutes before the bell rang and we had to head to class.

"Hey, do you wanna come over after school?" He asked me smiling, "sure, as long as we watch (favourite movie)" I say excitedly.

~ time skip to after school because I'm lazy ~

Me and Mikey were quietly walking back from school, making conversation here and there when Gerard came running up to us.
"Can you slow. the fuck. down?" He said panting.
Me and Mikey just looked at him, confused. Then Mikey started laughing, and I found myself laughing with him.
"What are you two fucks laughing at?"
"Nothing" Mikey and I said in sync, this only made us laugh more.
"Fuck you both" Gerard said angrily

Soon we got to the Way residence, Gerard walked in front of us and held the door open for us. Mikey glanced at Gerard weirdly but just walked in.

Gerard flashed me a smile that made me go pink with embarrassment. I needed to talk to him...

"GUYS DINNERS READY!" screamed Mrs Way.

"this is going to be a long night" said the brothers in unison, i chuckled, "indeed it will be boys"

ok i'm sorry for the short chapter but i have ZERO inspiration after being gone so long. the story will be on hold until further notice :)

Gravity (Gerard Way x reader)  ON HOLD Where stories live. Discover now