And I Snoop-

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Okay, so, lemme start from the beginning.

So, I'm Emma aka sad lama and my best friend's name Is Alec, aka weird fucking lama. We met when we were 4 and since then our parents shipped us so hard I swear one day I think they'll beg us to fuck.

He's gay and I'm ace and I just told that to my family and they didn't like it cause they won't be getting grandchildren and stuff like those( by "stuff" I mean me fucking). He didn't tell anyone he's gay btw.

Also, I really, really love pineapples. Remember that. It's life. You better know that.

SO, our families were having dinner at my house and the two of us were in my room. I was eating pineapple and, as I said before 👆, I really love them and I haven't been eating them lately. So, while I was eating those, I was making sounds,
"Ommmm, omg yaasss, omg omg this is OH SHIT how I love you ma gawd-"
(yeah I fucking know how it sounds like so stfu ily)

Yeah. So, my parents stormed into room and my dad threw ~ c o n d o m ~ on us and my mom screamed "OMG IT'S HAPPENING I'M GOING TO HAVE GFANDCH- wha-"

That was the moment she saw me with my mouth full of pineapples right before I threw up.

We never talked about it again, they just got out the room and no one has ever spoken about it since.


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