Chapter 2- Lea and Juliet

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"Dee...let the girl live...she is a teen only once,you know?"With that,Dana softened.Midge knew what was going to happen next.They were going to have sex that night again."Sure.""Good Girl."Laura cooed.

Do remember to wear cotton pads in your ears today,Midge!She made a mental note to do so and decided not to tell so that he would be scarred for life.

Midge decided to go take a shower.It wasn't long before she started playing with herself...She liked masturbation set her mind free....


Midge woke up to the next morning to the tune of French classical music.

She loved how it was always so cheery and adventurous yet at the same time a tad bit depressing.

She lifted herself up and walked to the bathroom as slowly she could,hoping there was no ants in her toothpaste this time.please,no ants,please.She opened the lid of her toothpaste,fingers crossed.Her eyes widened with horror as she saw the black mass of ants.Midge screamed as loud as she screamed for help,running down the hallway and into the kitchen as fast as her legs could carry her.

Phew!Midge thought.the whole tube was so black!UGH!Im never using Colgate ever again!Midge borrowed Dana's toothpaste and brushed her teeth,checking the paste more than recquired.She thought about what would have happened if she was still sleepy at that time.....

Midge was now afraid of her bathroom,so she went to use the bathroom in the guest room.The tiles were sky blue and so were the walls.There was a lavender scented soap,which Midge instantly fell in love with.

After taking a long bath,Midge decided to go visit her bffs,Lea and Juliet.Lea and Juliet were her best friends since they were toddlers.The two of them lived in the city and went to a proper school.She headed out,wearing a pair of denim shorts and a burgundy tank top with thicc straps and sandals.

As Midge was nearing their homes,she decided to go to Floe and Tedds,a popular yet cheap cafe in Dulmore run by a sweet old couple.She stepped into the cafe,which had pale yellow walls and a dark wooden floor with hanging plants near the counter.She walked over to the counter.

"Good Morning,Ms.Darcy."she greeted.

"Good Morning,Midge sweetheart.What do you want today?"Ms. Darcy asked sweetly.To Ms. Darcy,Midge was like her granddaughter and Midge appreciated that.

"I'd like The Golden,Thank you."The Golden was the code word Midge & Floe (aka Ms.Darcy)had made whenever Midge decided to give two mango cakes to her bffs.

"I see."Ms.Darcy said with a smile and winked."Thats goin to be $3.99"

"Here you go,Ms.Darcy.Bye!""Bye,sweetheart!"

Midge rang the doorbell of the St. Joseph's .Lea and Juliet were twins.They were Latino so there was a massive amount of Spanish spoken when the three of them conversed.

Their father opened the door with a "Hola,Midge amigo!""Hola,Patrick!"

Midge ran upstairs to the twins room,to find them still fast asleep.She decided to let them be and sat down on the couch.Their mom started peppering Midge with questions of Tobias after telling her about him.Their mom was as equally friendly as intimidating.

Midge Lotus Black:Tales To TellWhere stories live. Discover now