100 follower! (name reveal)

27 6 3

(just know, I had to my reveal name with a JJBA reference XD)

*Josuke's theme starts playing*

The scene starts from an birdside view down to the streets, to a building's wall, then a big circular crack which made the sound of a gunshot, then after half a second pass, more cracks appear making the same noise but this time someone was saying something while the cracks appear, almost as if someone was punching the wall and yell out their warcry, which was


When the wall slowly broke off the cracks which were made by the punches of Crazy Diamond, behind him came a guy who looked around 15-16 from the darkness that the building had  inside, and use one hand to hop outside since the wall still had it's bottom boarder, while the other hand was in his black jeans pocket, he was wearing a black leather jacket and a black shirt with black jeans and black shoes (don't judge my style...) He turn around to see the damage of the wall, but Crazy Diamond went outside the building and turn around as well and the pieces of the broken wall came back to the wall and all the damage was put back together, even the dust of the wall came to the wall and it made it look as if there was no damage at all, almost as if he fix the wall completely, then he turn sideways and leans back and puts on a cocky smile and since his hood was up, you could only see half of his face, since the shadow of the hood was covering the top half of his face, but since he lean back, you could see his eyes which were brown, but so dark that it looked black, Crazy Diamond disappear, and the guy said

Greato desu yo koitsu wa
(This is gonna be great)

He turn around and started to walk off to the other side, the camera zoom out to give a wider shot of the wall, and the wall had written on it with big letters

Name: Brian Scott Vargas Salgado

(Aka HellFire is extinguishable)

He went off singing

Try me, she bad

The End

Random Shit, My Kind of Shit (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now