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The man beaconed for the goods wrapped within a brown cloth to be quickly given to him before Vyselyra moved to make her round once more. The bundle sat secured upon the lookers outpost. As the Targaryen princess neared the bravoosi galley filled to the brim with men rolling once more—her eyes flickered eagerly to the captain's hand.

Even at that height, she knew exactly what it held. There her precious goods awaited. So with a subtle tap of her hand against the saddle, an eager Windermere dove; twisting his massive body to the curves of the wind. His wings taking a quick dip to the welcoming ocean. Just as the duo passed by, Vyselyra reached a lonely hand out; as the captain leaned back and with all his might, tossed the goods into the air.

Thankfully Vyselyra had been at this for years and had greatly improved her technique. With just a lean to the left with her arm stretched to its limits, her fingers clasped the delicate fabric. "Till next time M'lady!" He yells against the whipping breeze.

Joyous in her victory, Vyselyra quickly tore through the twine that held the fabric together. As the wool broke away it soon revealed the candied goods. Ones of a colorful array coated in sugar. Just as when she was a child, Vyselyra gleefully embraces the saddle—leaning forward slightly to gently pat Windermere. To which the beast playfully groaned.

As they approached the second harbor, down below half of the massive Manderly fleet held docked. Jolly Salt and North Star held docked to one side. The largest of them was Storm Dancer; commanded by Ser Wyllam Snow. The commander was often referred to as a bastard for his last name by Ser Arthur. Foremost it seemed neither liked one another.

The warship held steadfast to the front, having carried her father from his diplomatic mission. Storm Dancer was quite imitating, flaunting the main mass at 20 feet high with the other two falling short under that measurement. The foremast held the blazon of House Manderly painted plainly in sight for all to see.

As they soared overhead, Windermere let out another screech that bellowed throughout the city. Lord Desmond eagerly gazed to the sky to see his daughter going about her day without a care to the world. This brought a bright light to his eyes as a smile made across his pale lips.

But of course the news of which he carried from Driftmark wasn't at all surprising nor what he wanted. Ser Wyllam smiled as well before continuing on his towards the opposite dock.

The young Targaryen rummaged through the candies upon the saddle before choosing a red one and quickly popping one into her mouth—savoring the intensity of the sugar before the sourness took over.

Admist the flavors contributing to her many faces of discern, Vyselyra observed her father's men closely that stood below with their tridents held firmly in their grasps. Horses held nearby became antsy with impatience and fear; pawed at the ground.

Popping in another sugared candy, Vyselyra figured it were enough sight seeing and so leaned her body down to fit the curves of Windermere's saddle. Windermere held with the passing wind—letting his wings dance with the breeze upon the whitened city, New Castle sitting tall in the back.

Passing over the cobbled square as his shadow masked the white and grey of the Fish mount. In the center stood ole fishfoot; the massive statue with a fountain below constructed below it. Townsfolk walked around with their daily chores and lives, without a mere flicker of their eyes to sky as the young dragon flew over.

Of course, once in the air the dragons were way faster than that of a horse. With wings twice the size of their bodies, they were able to gain more ground. So the princess knew she would be just in time for the meeting in Merman's court.

♔ HEAVY IS THE CROWN ➤ JACAERYS VELARYONNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ