n i n e t e e n ; meeting

Start from the beginning

        "Any news on them?" Jay asked as they stepped off the elevator, walking briskly down the hallway to the conference room at the end. 

        "Kisok told me they just pulled up to the building. Chase and Mintaek are coming together and they're like one block away," Dahye explained, checking her phone one more time when it signaled she got a new message. "Oh, Jukyung just texted me. Him, Wonjae, Soohyuk, and Myungjoon are on the way right now too."

        "Poor guys, they're coming here fresh off the plane," Hoody shook her hand, making Jay roll his eyes. 

        "I told 'em to come with us, but no, they said they "don't like award shows."" He mocked in a high pitch voice. "Like we were dying to sit there for four hours. They're a part of the team. It's not my fault if they have jet lag or wanna sleep. This meeting was planned months ago, so it's not something new or unknown. They're just gonna have to put on their big boy pants and suck it up for a few hours." 

        Dahye was used to Jay being serious when it came to business and important events like this, so it wasn't weird for her when she heard him speak in such a stiff way compared to his usual goofy and laid-back style. She knew that he was feeling a bit anxious about the meeting too and wanted it to go well, so he was trying to make sure that everything was in place like it should be. He opened the door for all three of them, male voices spilling into the hallway the minute the room was revealed. Jay held the door for Hoody and Dahye as he moved to the side to let them pass through, then moved in himself and shut the door behind him. A long glass table was in the middle of the room, black leather office chairs stationed across each other on both sides. A few of the chairs had laptops stationed in front of them on the table, papers with what looked like stock market diagrams and various monetary information printed on them spread across the table. One of the walls was entirely made of glass, a gorgeous view of the Hong Kong skyline right under their feet. Some of the attendees were sitting while others were standing about and talking among each other. 

        A man with slicked back black hair and a tailored suit excused himself when he saw Jay and immediately made his way towards them. Dahye noticed the plastic smile on his thin lips, and felt her blood run cold as he eyed Jay very much like a lion eyes its prey before biting down on its neck. If Jay did feel the well-masked hostile gaze in the man's eyes, he didn't lose his composure and instead put on his best professional smile and bowed at the man. 

        "Mr. Park, we're so glad we have finally gotten around the meeting," the man said, fixing his hands in front of him. 

        "My apologies for last night. Some of my colleagues overestimated how well they could hold their drinks in and we had to leave the hotel earlier than expected." He turned towards the two females, gesturing with their hands. "Songpil, meet Jang Dahye and Kim Hyungjung. They're the two youngest rappers we currently have in our company and also the only two female artists." 

        They bowed to each other, Dahye smiling at the man although she saw there was no sincerity in his. Hoody wasn't any happier to meet the man than Dahye was, sensing something off putting about this guy Jay trusted enough to have him be a part of H1GHR. He was obviously in a high ranking position, as Jay had to use formal language with him. 

        "Songpil is the Supervisor for H1GHR," Jay explained after they talked for a minute or two and then settled in their seats. "He was recently hired, a year ago maybe, during the time both of you were on tour so you wouldn't have known." 

        "Jay, I don't mean any disrespect, but I don't like this man," Dahye said as she glanced quickly at the said person sitting on the opposite side of the room, talking with a group of older men who were obviously from H1GHR as well. She hadn't seen the artists yet, and was wondering when they were going to make an appearance. 

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