t h r e e ; texts

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iMESSAGE between JAY and DAHYE


babygirl dahye💜

Are you okay?

babygirl dahye💜
You're like sitting right next to me, Jay.
Why are you texting me instead of talking
like a normal person?

You're listening to music and everbody on the plane
is sleeping.
And I'm too tired to talk

babygirl dahye💜
Lol okay, then go to sleep

Stop avoiding my question and answer me

babygirl dahye💜
There is literally nothing to answer

I know that you're not fine because you're listening to
sad OST songs and you don't listen to that shit unless you're sad

babygirl dahye💜
It's called sad OST songs for a reason...

Jang Dahye

babygirl dahye💜
I'm fine Jay, why shouldn't I be fine? I'm a grown ass woman
I'm not gonna let a few immature high school trolls
get the better of me

Have I told you that you're a shit liar?
Even though I can't see your face I know that those comments
on Instagram got to you

babygirl dahye💜
And I hate you for that. But fine if you want the truth so badly, yes, those comments go to me. It been two years since Sehyoon and I broke up
but for some reason those people feel the need to bring it up
over and over again. They keep spewing bullshit lies all over social media
where everyone can see everything and assume shit so easily.
That's why I didn't do any interviews after we broke up because I know that the same people whose articles almost cost me my fucking career are gonna pry into my personal life
and ask about why what happened happened

You know that I hate the media as much as you do.
But you can't escape from the reality of the situation either.
You have to face your fears one way or another
or it's always going to be a burden on your shoulders

babygirl dahye💜
I hate it when people bring him up just to hurt me. Especially when it's people who I'm close with

Are you talking about Hyukwoo's comments?

babygirl dahye💜
I didn't want to say anything directly to him, because I didn't want to hurt him. I love that boy to death but I can't not say anything when he brings that up on public platforms where everyone can see everything

But that's not the only reason why you're having a panic attack, is it?

babygirl dahye💜
I'm still so fucking terried, Jay. Nobody knows that happened between me and Sehyoon except for you, Hoody, and the rest of the group. I never told anyone why we broke up because I know that people are going to talk shit about me and write false articles or spread rumors.
I'm sorry but if that's the way to "face my fears" I would rather live with them

Don't pull the "you won't understand me" card on me.
I didn't go through the same thing as you have but let me remind you
I've also lived through some painful shit during and after my own relationships. And know that it's harder to keep these feelings in for so long.
They just build up and fester inside of you

babygirl dahye💜
It's easier said than done, Jay. You're more experienced in the love department than I am.
Sehyoon was the first boy I had ever been in a relationship with before and I didn't know how to control it. How to control him. In the end, I got fucked over by everyone and the man I thought I could genuinely love

I know that cunt hurt you and he took away a piece of your heart. And I understand that he changed your thoughts about trusting people and romantic relationships.
But know that not everyone you meet will be like him.
The group and I care about you so fucking much and I still want to beat up that sack of shit for you making you feel like this.
I just want you to know that I'll be always here if you want to talk to someone on hours end without judgement and bias, okay?

babygirl dahye💜
Thanks JayJay, I really needed this❤️
I love you all so much

And we love you more, babygirl❤️
Get some rest okay? We still have a few more hours
before landing time

babygirl dahye💜
Okay. I'm going to sleep.
Goodnight Jay❤️

Good night, sweetheart💜

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