"I don't care," I told her fiercely, terrified that she might die without it. "Take my blood!" I held my wrist in front of her face, waiting for her to take it. I saw the wanting clearly in her eyes and thought that I had won.

I hadn't. She shook her head, closing her eyes tightly before looking up at me again. "Take me to Fangs," she whispered before her eyes sank closed and her body went limp.

"Shit!" I cursed, running back to the edge of my territory and grabbing a pair of shorts and a shirt. I pulled the shorts on and ripped the shirt to pieces, quickly binding her side so she didn't lose more blood.

Fangs was the vampire club located in town, and as far as I knew, it was the only one in the state. It wasn't safe for me to go there, but at the moment I didn't care. Clari needed help and that's the only place that I knew of that she could get it.

I lifted her as gently as I could, settling her in my arms before running straight through the woods towards Fangs. I could get her there in under ten minutes if I ran hard. If she was conscious and could've held on, I could've gotten her there much faster in wolf form. There was nothing I could do about it though, so I just ran, faster than I ever had before.

I was lucky that I didn't pass anyone in town, as I was too worried to find a less traveled path to the infamous vampire club. I came upon the abandoned looking building and ran straight through the door. I looked around, seeing a hallway of doors, not sure which one would lead where I needed to go.

What the hell was I supposed to do now?

The door at the end of the hall burst open, two vampires looking around with worried eyes before landing on me, holding Clari in my arms. They must have smelled the blood. One vampire had brown hair, hazel eyes and a lean build. He had some muscles, but not as much as the vampire beside him. The other vampire had blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. Their faces were fierce when they noticed Clari's bloodied condition.

The ran at me so fast they were nearly a blur and the brown haired one ripped Clari from my arms, glancing at her wounds quickly. "Levi, call Cecilia and Jackson, tell them to get over here now," he ordered. "You," he added, pointing at me, "you're coming with me."

I gulped but listened, following him as he raced through the door at the end of the hall and down a spiral staircase. This was obviously the club. I wondered what the other doors upstairs were for. It didn't look like they connected to the club in any way. I didn't see any more staircases.

For being the middle of the day, there sure were a lot of vampires here. A black vampire behind the bar, jumped over it and raced over to us. "Xavier? What happened?" he asked, running a hand softly across Clari's face and making me want to growl again. I wasn't comfortable with other people touching her. Especially the young, black vampire that had his worried eyes focused on her.

"We'll find out when she's taken care of," Xavier responded shortly. "Nila!" he called, making a pretty blonde woman step out of the crowd of worried vampires hovering around us. "Get the medical supplies and bring them to Ceci's room. Jerome-"

"Blood, I know," Jerome said, disappearing behind the bar so fast that he was a blur. Did they keep humans back there to be blood donors or something? I shuddered at the thought.

I followed the vampire holding Clari through another door and up another set of stairs. He went into a bedroom, laying Clari gently on the bed. "Belle?" he asked softly. "Claribelle, baby, wake up."

So her full name was Claribelle? Jake purred at the sound of it.

I heard a groan and snapped my eyes to my mate. "Uncle Xavier?" she murmured, opening her eyes slightly. She had an uncle? But he looked like a teenager! As a matter of fact, almost all of the vampires downstairs looked like teenagers. I felt like smacking myself when Jake snorted. They were immortal. Of course they all looked like teenagers.

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