Chapter 9

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I couldn't get her out of my head. I wanted to find her. I needed to find her. I haven't slept, I can't eat, I can't stop. All I can do is think about her and how much I need to find her.

The team and I have been searching for Mia for almost 24 hours. We know that every minute that passes could be Mia's last. She could already be dead at this point, but I refuse to believe that.

We're so close to finding her now.

Me, Morgan, and Hotch were at the police station doing some more investigation with files of potential UnSubs that Garcia sent us.

"This guy. Hunter Green. His wife divorced him and pressed harassment charges for physical abuse." Morgan said, pointing to a picture of a guy on one of the files.

"Here it says that he got into a car accident six months ago and his wife claims that after his recovery he started acting weird and abusing her. She said it was like he was a completely different person." Morgan explained.

"And look at the address," I said, pointing to the address on the file, "he lives one mile away from Wisteria Lake. Where the other victims were found."

"This could be our guy." Morgan said. I was positive it was.

"Alright, I think we've got our UnSub. I'll tell Rossi and JJ to meet us there. Let's go." Hotch said, quickly standing up and heading out to our car.

I couldn't think straight at this point. I had the worst feeling in my stomach that something was wrong. She's obviously going to be hurt, probably barely alive. But I'm going to be devastated if she's dead. I won't forgive myself for not finding her sooner.


"This is it. This is the house." Morgan said as we pulled up at an old house that was practically falling apart. I quickly checked the address on the mailbox that was leaning over. This was definitely the house.

Hotch abruptly stopped the car and pulled the keys out. The three of us quickly got out of the car and we pulled out our guns.

Morgan kicked open the door and we made our way inside, watching all our surroundings. Hotch started going upstairs while Morgan followed me down the hall into the kitchen.

"Hunter Green!" Morgan shouted. There was no one in sight. The house was so quiet. He might not even be here.

I saw a doorway that led down to the basement and started going down the stairs. Then I noticed a body at the bottom.

It's her.

Morgan and I rushed down the stairs and I a knife sticking out of her stomach.

"That's the UnSub." Morgan says. I look over and see a body beside Mia's. "He's dead."

Morgan and I drop down beside Mia.

Please don't be dead.

I quickly put my fingers up to her neck and check for a pulse.

"She's not breathing, kid." Morgan says.

"She still has a pulse. It's faint, but it's there." I say as I move my fingers away from her neck.

"Hey, Hotch! We found 'em!" Morgan called up the basement stairs. "I'll get an ambulance over here. Keep an eye on her." Morgan said then ran upstairs.

I looked over Mia's body. A knife sticking out of her stomach with blood streaming out of the wound. Black and purple bruises on her neck, deep cuts on her arms, stomach, and chest.

Her body is just one big open wound, but she's beautiful. I just want to see her eyes, looking back at me.

I can't believe this is the girl I've been obsessing over for days just because of some random phone call. And now here she is. Practically dead right in front of me. But I'm not letting her die on me.

I put two fingers back up to her neck to check her pulse again. I can barely feel it. It's getting weaker.

I was about to call Morgan when I started to hear sirens outside. The ambulance was here, thank God.

Only a minute later the paramedics were down in the basement and carefully putting Mia's body on the gurney.

I wanted to stay with her but Morgan pulled me away from her so I was out of their way.

I know I needed to be out of there way so they can do their job, but I needed to be with her.

"Reid, just relax. They know what they're doing. They'll take care of her." Morgan said.

"I know I just... I need to know that she's gonna be okay."

"Unfortunately, we don't know that. And I know you know that. I'm sorry, but this isn't any different from any other case we've done. We don't know if they're going to make it. All we can do is get here in time to save them, and just hope we make it in time." Morgan said.

"I know." I said as I looked down at the floor. I don't even know this girl but I care about her so much. I wanted to hear her voice again.

"And you really like her."

I looked up at Morgan. I knew he was right, but it was still weird to say it. I definitely liked her but this was also the first time I've seen her in person. I want to get to know her but I can't do that if she's dead.

"We need to go to the hospital." I said as I watched them take Mia up the stairs.

"Reid. Let's just give them some time. Let them take her to the hospital so they can't do their job. I'm sure her family would like to see her before we charge into her room."

"You're right. This is just driving me crazy. I can't stop thinking-" Morgan cut me off.

"-Reid, relax. We'll go see her tomorrow."

"If she makes it." I said as I walk over to the stairs.

"Have faith, kid."

I nod my head then start walking up the stairs.

Please don't die on me, Mia.

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