Challenge 1: The One Page Wonder

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You can't feel your feet. Your knees want to fall apart. Your throat is utterly dry and you can taste the horrible metallic flavor of your own blood. 

You try to keep your breath calm, but your lungs beg for more oxygen. Your head has become a cave invaded by your own heartbeats and your not so encouraging thoughts.

Your breast seems to be pierced by an endless number of needles that threaten your hope to get out of that unbearable nightmare. Your eyes can barely see beyond a few meters. The light of your lantern seems to be swallowed by that claustrophobic darkness.

However, you still run. You still fight for your own survival. You don't have any clue of where you are or how to escape from that place, but you don't give up. You love yourself so much that you won't allow anyone to snatch your life so easily.

But your hopes collapse after hearing voices right behind you. They are so near that you push yourself to run faster although you feel that your legs don't seem to belong to you.

Desperately, you dare to glance behind you. You can see how the lights of the corridor are switched on progressively, as if they wanted to catch your position. 

Your fight till the last minute but they reach you at the end. 

Those bright and white lights remain in your consciousness till you finally lose it.


Rob suddenly woke up bathed in sweat. He saw himself tied to an operating table full of electrodes with those white lights pointing right at his pupils. The room was also white and everything inside it seemed to be sterile. It was full of medical equipment as well as electronic devices whose values changed as he started to move. Rob realised that there were electrodes all over his body as well as an oxygen mask on his face.

He couldn't understand what was happening. He thought that it was only a dream, but the situation was as real as being in the middle of an operating room. He tried to remember something about him before that day and an hypnotizing female voice was the only thing that came to his mind. She seemed to feel his pain while he was attempting to escape. She even knew his future.

At that moment Rob heard how the room entrance opened and his heart started to beat so heavily that it really hurt him. 

'How about his vital signs?' asked one deep voice.

'Except from the blood pressure, the rest of the parameters are within the expected values' , replied another man. 

Their footsteps sounded nearer. He tried to get rid of those metallic strings in vain. By then, they were just beside him.

He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. They seemed like humans but they weren't. Their faces where so pale that he could distinguish their circulatory system and muscles behind that translucent skin. Their eyes were entirely occupied by their iris and they hadn't any kind of hair on their head.

'Why are you so unsettled, Mr. Blake?' One of those creatures seemed to know him while the other put his oxygen mask aside to allow him to speak.

'Who are you?' That was the best question that Rob could think of at that moment.

Other member of that strange group came closer to him. She was a female. Her lips were more red and her eyes bigger, but with the same shocking appearance.

She shot him a worried glance:

'Robbert Blake, tell me, please, that you know who I am.'

That voice collapsed all his world for a moment. He knew that smooth voice too well. That female voice was indeed the only thing he could remember of his entirely life. 

'Where am I?' He barely could ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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