Chapter two : Truth or dare

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Lexi's POV

"Yeah sure" they all reply apart from Liam and Something.

"Let's play it at the my house tonight since today is Friday" I say giving hoodie and Liam my address.

"What time" Liam says excitedly. Unlike hoodie boy who looked at us confused.

"Whenever to be honest just don't come at like 5 am expecting us to be waiting" I  say as Liam nods.

"Hey Liam" I say.

"hey Lex" he says smiling.

"Do you know what Somethings real name is" I say hoping he will tell me.

"Yeah its jor-  he gets interrupted.

When Hoodie presses the button on the app as it says "If you tell her I'll tell everyone about the incident in 1st grade" he says blankly.

"No fair you promised you wouldn't blackmail me with it" he whines.

"Sorry Lex" he says pouting.

"Nah it's alright" I say smiling at him then turning my face to Jor what kind of name is that?? And glare at him as he just smirks (I think) as I flip him the bird.

"I see a new ship cracking on" they all say in unison smirking.

"Shut up" me and the app say in unison  my cheeks blushing.

"I saw you Heather checking out Liam" I say looking at her smirking.

And Liam doing the exact same thing" I say exposing them.

I then immediately stop there I can't expose Lia and cause well be here for hours cause we have that many secrets.

The bells rings Noah and Ty take there motorbike and I then ask Liam And 'Jor' if they want to play truth or dare now.

"Yeah sure I'm down" Liam says.

"Whatever" he types.

"Cool let's go in my car" I say shortly as we get to do school parking lot.

But that's when I had an idea.

"Oh fuck would you look at that theres no seats left looks like you'll have to sit on someones Lap I wonder who's oh Liam your right there how about you sit in Liams Lap" I say smirking at heather giving her a wink.

"I umm yeah ok sure if that's ok with you Liam" she says a blushing mess making us all laugh even 'Jor' I mean the app did but Same difference.

"I umm yeah it's ok Heather"  Liam says.

"oh mother freakin" I say I couldn't even drive I was way to busy laughing at how awkward they were Heather was quite a confident person so to see her blushing and stuttering we all  immediately knew she like Liam and Liam obviously likes Heather.

"Lets get this show on the road"I say driving extremely slow. Yes I'm that friend fight me.

"Lexi" they all yell at me.

"Why are you driving so slow" they all whine.

"For the love birds now shut the fuck up before I drive even slower" I threaten.

**when the get to Lexi's house**.

"What took you so long" Noah and Tyler say in unison.

"Jinks you owe me a soda" they say in unison again.

"Jinks you owe me three sodas" they says yet a again in unison.

"How about you buy six drink two for two for you and two for me" I say annoyed.

the mute boy in the hoodie Where stories live. Discover now