It slowed down next the them, and Levi jumped out. Without saying a word, he hoisted Eren up, and with Mikasa, helped Eren into the truck. Mikasa jumped in next to him, with Levi getting in the front.

"I'm sorry guys.. j-just drop me off at my house."

"No.. you're coming to ours for the night.." Mikasa said


"don't even bother Yeager, either you come to ours or we go to yours"

"I mean.. I have two other bedrooms at mine" Eren said.

Levi nodded, "Where do you live"

Eren gave him his address, and they made their way over there.
Five minutes later they pulled up into his driveway, and he hopped out.

"If you try anything i'm going to kick open that door" Levi yelled out at him,

"Relax.. i'm just going to open the Garage.."

Eren walked over to the keypad, and typed in the four digit code, and the garage door slowly opened, and Levi drove in, Eren pressed a button and it shut, and they all walked into the house.

"Don't mind the dishes.." He muttered, referring to the few bowls and plates stacked in the sink.

Levi muttered something, and Mikasa shot him a glare.

"The first room is the door at the end of this hall, bathroom is to the right of it, and the other one is up the stairs next to the left. The bathroom is connected to it, as well as the my bedroom, so be aware of that. Choose which one you want I don't care"

Levi began walking down the hall, "This one is mine"

Mikasa looked around, and caught a picture of him and Annie, both smiling.

Eren looked at the picture also, walked over to it, and threw the whole thing into the trash.

"W- not even saving the frame?"

"She gave the frame to me"

Mikasa nodded, before smiling slightly.

Trying to lighten the mood, she said, "Hey! We should get a picture of ourselves framed and put it right.." She looked around, and walked up to a set of two, then pointed to the left. "Here!"

Eren walked over, and nodded, "I guess.."

His eyes trailed to the picture with him and his mom.

"She would've loved to get to know you.." Eren said

She looked over to the picture, of him and his mom smiling.

"That was the day if my first fight. She was so scared of me going in that ring. This was all a few days before.."

Mikasa grabbed Eren's hand and squeezed it.

"You look just like her.." Mikasa said, "the smile.. everything.."

Eren slowly nodded his head. He turned around, and began walking over to a couch in the living room, pulling Mikasa along.

He sat down, and she did right next to him. Eren slowly put his arm around her..

"Eren wait.. I-I'm sorry but we should go on a few more dates before we.. ya know.. become 'official..' incase things don't go as planned.."

Eren nodded again, not saying anything.

"You should go to sleep Eren.. you look done.. I-.. I had the most fun tonight than I have had for a long time.. thank you.."

"I did too.. thank you for letting me take you out.." He said, standing up "Goodnight Mikasa.."

"Goodnight Eren."

He walked up the stairs, and into his bed, falling into it, and just laid there, thinking until he fell asleep.
Mikasa sat on that couch for a few hours, just thinking, when she heard Levi's door creak open.

"Levi?" She whispered, "What are you doing?"

"I can't sleep thinking about those damn dishes there.." He said, walking over to the sink.

Mikasa rolled her eyes.

"Hey Levi.. What do you think about me and Eren.."

"Dating? I don't care, as long as he doesn't hurt you. Anyway, where are his parents?"

Mikasa sighed, "come here.. i'll tell you"

He finished cleaning the dishes, and he did so, sitting next to her.

"Please.. please don't tell Eren I told you this.. I don't want him to not trust me.."

"I won't"

"Remember how we heard my dad killed a woman, and was then killed by her teenage son..?"

Levi nodded, "The woman was Eren's mom.. and he's the one that killed him..."
Another chapter done already? Damn! Thanks for reading this! see you next time!

Tatakai (An EreMika Fanfiction) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now