Part 1

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Mr. Aizawa: Okay class in your seats. I have an announcement to make!

The class gets anxious, will there be more training? Or maybe a new student? Everyone waits in silence for their teacher to begin talking again.
Mr. Aizawa: Class 1A is going on a field trip!

The class gets exited and extremely loud which gets their teacher upset.
Iida: Sir, as class rep i was wondering where we'll be going and when?
Mr. Aizawa: We'll be going on a camping trip for 2 weeks. You will be training but you will also try to relax. As of when we're leaving that will be Thursday of next week, any other questions?
Kirishima: Will you be feeding us?
Denki: Oh yeah! What kind of food will we be eating?? Will there be enough for everyone?
Mina: Food sounds so good right now!
Mr.Aizawa: Calm down. Yes we're going to be feeding you and the food will be delicious. Are there any other questions? I need a nap.
Todoroki: Sir, where will we be sleeping?
Mr. Aizawa: There are 5 cabins and there will be 4 people per cabin. You guys can figure out who's going to be where and let me know.

Aizawa curls into his yellow sleeping bag and falls asleep. The class begins to discuss who they want in their cabins and they all decide to draw names from a hat.

Iida: Okay listen everyone! This is how it's going to work, We will pick 5 different people to be "captains" of the cabin. Those 5 people will then draw 3 names out of a hat, then that's who shares a cabin with them. Understand?

Everyone in the class shakes their head telling Iida that they understand and they begin.

Iida: Who wants to be a cabin captain?

4 people raise their hands and everyone else stays silent. Momo, Todoroki, Iida and Aoyama.

Iida: Well that's only 4 of us...Is anyone willing to step up?

Mineta attempts to raise his hand but he was beat by Denki who was awkwardly smiling.

Denki: I'll do it. I guess it could be fun.
Iida: Great lets begin pulling names!

Everyone except the captains wrote their names on slips of paper and dropped it into a hat that just happened to be on the floor nearby. The first captain to draw from the hat was Iida. He pulled Asui, Sero and Uraraka.

Uraraka: Aww man! I wanted to be with Deku! But i'm glad i'm with you guys.
Iida: I too wished i would pick midoriya but we will still see eachother. Momo you pick next!

Deku who had fallen asleep in the back of the classroom woke up when he heard his name. He joined the others in the front of the classroom and stood waiting to know what group he'd be in. Momo steps to the front and draws three strips of paper from the hat and read them aloud to the anxious teenagers.

Momo: Tokoyami, Mina and Kouda, we will be sharing a cabin.
Mina: This could be fun!
Tokoyami: I'm not mad, i'll enjoy spending more time will all of you.

Kouda just shook his head in agreement. Aoyama decided that he wanted to go next and pushed Momo out of the way and stood in the front of the class.

Aoyama: Lets see who will be in my FABULOUS GROUP!!

He grabbed three strips of paper and read them to everyone.

Aoyama: Jirou, Satou and...(dramatic pause) Mineta!
Deku was wondering who he'd end up with as he looked around the class room and saw Bakugo asleep on a desk. He blushed and ran over to wake him up.

Deku: *whispers* Kacchan! Pssst wake up!
Bakugo: What do you want deku?
Deku: Well there are only a few names left and i just wanted you to be awake when your name gets called so you know who's in your group!
Bakugo: I could care less whose in my group. I'm going back to sleep don't bother me again or you'll regret it.

Bakugo shoves his head back into his arms now blushing because he knows Deku was thinking about him. Deku skips back over to the group of his classmates but when he got there Todoroki was already drawing his group names. Todoroki smirked as he read the names on the small strips of paper between his fingers.

Todoroki: I've got Midoriya, Kirishima and Bakugo in my group.

Before he gets a chance to walk back to the group a huge explosion is heard from the back of the room. Bakugo skrrts his was to the front of the room until hes face to face with todoroki.

Bakugo: Hey IcyHot did you say I'm in your group?

Todoroki: Yes, is that a problem?


Before anyone had time to react Kirishima took Bakugo out of the classroom.

Denki: Well I guess that just leaves Shouji, Ojiro and Hagakure to my group! Are you guys cool with that?

Shouji, Ojiro and Hagakure all nod in agreement while Bakugo enters the classroom again with Kirishima not far behind him. Bakugo returns and sits back down in his seat super red and puts his head down in his arms.

Deku: Woah, Kiri how did you do that? Kacchan seemed pretty upset.

Kirishima: It was nothing, really.


Kirishima: Why do you have such a problem with deku and todoroki.

Bakugo blushed when his friend said deku's name but got furious when he spoke the name of his rival. Kirishima saw and he put the pieces together but he wanted to make sure.

Bakugo: I just hate both of them! They get me fired up!!

Kirishima: Well simmer you get to spend two weeks with deku and I!


Kirishima: I thought so...You totally like Midoriya!


Kirishima: Yeah yeah whatever. I think its adorable and I'm going to do everything in my power to get you two together.

Bakugo stormed off back into the classroom and Kirishima followed.

                                                                                1067 words

Hey guys author here! I know there's probably a TON of mistakes so i'm sorry for that but im not about to proof read this. also this is my first time writing a fanfic or really writing anything sooo im sorry if its bad but i do enjoy reading and writing! if you guys like the story i'll try to update it as much as possible but i hope you enjoyed -🦊

The School Trip bakugoxdekuWhere stories live. Discover now