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"Do I look nice?" Donghyuck asked, patting his suit down, feeling a little (okay maybe a lot) conscious about the way the front of his shirt stuck out. It wasn't much, just a sma stomach he gained from the eating marathon he did with Jaemin just a few days ago — the younger had forced him into buying a bunch of snacks and then dared him to eat them all. Mark, the unfortunate soul who was the only one in the apartment, had been dragged along on his journey to find the perfect suit, raised his eyebrow at Donghyuck's antics and told him he looked fine. Donghyuck knew he was only trying to make him feel better and that only made his mood drop even further.

"But look—" Donghyuck huffed out an annoyed sigh. "Don't you see the problem?"

"Donghyuck," Mark said as he rolled his eyes and stood up from his seat. He took slow steps towards the younger, a gentle smile on his face as he placed his hands on Donghyuck's hops and leaned in. "The only problem here is you not looking in the mirror and getting amazed by yourself. You look great okay?"

Donghyuck narrowed his eyes and stared at Mark with disbelief. Mark wasn't the type to hand out compliments unless there was something else included.

"Now can we go?" Oh. Mark peeled his hands off Donghyuck and glanced around the store. "Quickly change so we can pay "

Donghyuck hurried in and out of the cha going rooms, passing Mark his suit and they rushed out of the store, none of them mentioning how Mark paid for his suit. They never spoke about that.

"I'm hungry," Donghyuck sighed, holding a hand to his stomach. Mark scoffed and then commented something about how he's always hungry. "That's because I'm a growing child."

"You're turning 20 soon," Mark pointed out, nudging Donghyuck in the arm, before leading both of them towards a nearby fast food branch. "You know, I'm surprised you never gain weight."

"I do," Donghyuck groaned, bringing his hands up to his cheeks and pinching them. "Do you not see this?!"

Mark laughed and then used his free hand to pinch the other cheek.

"You're the one who said you're a growing child," Mark said, tugging on the cheek and stretched it, holding back a laugh because of how hilarious Donghyuck's face looked. "This is just baby fat."

"Baby fat- What-" Donghyuck shook his head and then turned to the person at the counter, quickly ordering something for the two of them and then took a seat.

They were out shopping for suits, obviously, because it was nearly Jisung's birthday. It was the 31st of January, so they had just five more days left. On February 5th, Jisung's birthday, Donghyuck and all of his friends were going to get dressed in suits, style their hair back, go to the roof, and then fight each other like animals. It wasn't the most ideal thing to do on a birthday, but Jisung wanted it, and so they weren't complaining. They were all getting a chance to beat the other up, so why would they decline that offer?

"Who do you think is going to win?" Mark asked, after placing the fries and burger down on the table. He looked up with Donghyuck with expectant eyes, which were most probably hoping for an answer related to him, and Donghyuck just couldn't help but break it.

"Jeno," Donghyuck replied, nodding his head whilst eating a fry. "He's been working out a lot recently. Either him, or Jaemin...wait maybe Renjun as well."

"What about me?" Mark said as he— he pouted. He poked his bottom lip out and droped his eyebrows so that they were right above his eyelid. Mark knew Donghyuck was weak for that expression, so he used it whenever he wanted something really badly.

"Yeah, you have a chance too," Donghyuck quickly said, feeling his non-existant pride dissolve. Mark immediately beamed at that and stuffed his face with fries, happily smiling down at the table. Donghyuck often wondered how someone like Mark could be the most annoying person in the world, but also the cutest.

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