Caring For You

Depuis le début

And . . . ?

Nestled between Kurapika's legs, and a little bit of blond fuzz, was a small, Nordic-looking village, with little people going about their days.

Take 2:

And . . . ?

Kurapika was a boy. Man, really. Wait, how old was he? Suddenly, policemen burst from the woods, tackled Leorio, and handcuffed him.

Take 3:

And . . . ?

Kurapika was a boy. Leorio was, admittedly, a little surprised, especially after Kurapika's act a few moments ago. When Leorio realized he had spent an inordinate amount of time looking at another man's penis, he turned beet red and looked at Kurapika's face.

Kurapika himself was also beet red, and he turned his face away. He looked upset.

"Surprised?" Kurapika asked. "You really didn't believe me." Then he started shaking a little. "I'm sorry, Leorio," he said in the most unapologetic way possible, his teeth gritted in anger, "but I guess I'm not some hot girl with a big rack like you thought I'd be under my clothes." Just then, it looked like a tear dripped from one of his eyes. "You can forget about me now. Go find some examinee with big boobs to help you through the test."

Leorio applied antiseptic to one of the wounds on Kurapika's legs. "What, you think I'm just some lecher who followed you because you were hot? I thought we were friends, or at least almost friends."

Kurapika didn't respond. Leorio applied a bandage to a wound on Kurapika's thigh, trying not to stare at Kurapika's member. He wasn't gay or anything, it's just hard not to look. But that was kind of hard, because, Leorio noticed it was getting bigger.

"What, did thinking about that hot examinee turn you on?" Leorio half joked. "Or were you imagining yourself with big boobs?"

Kurapika looked horrified and ashamed. "It-it's nothing! I can't help it!" He squirmed, and turned to the side, trying to cross his leg over it.

"Hey, stop, you'll get dirt in your cuts." Leorio said.

"It's just one of those ones you can't control." Kurapika's breathing sounded desperate. "You, know, like they say, when you're making a presentation in front of class." Leorio wasn't sure where Kurapika learned that cliché, being separated from most of civilization and all.

"Don't worry about it." Leorio said, continuing to treat Kurapika's wounds. Kurapika tried to act cold, but Leorio noticed him quivering a little when Leorio's hands moved on his thighs, and he saw Kurapika's member becoming almost painfully harder as he quivered. Then again, maybe he was simply projecting what he was currently feeling in his own pants onto Kurapika.

"If it makes you feel any better," Leorio said, "I've got a boner too." He tried to sound as if he was half-joking, but Kurapika's reaction looked like it was just silent horror. "I'm sorry." Leorio continued. "It's probably wrong for me to think this way, but even now, I can't help but think you're attractive." Kurapika didn't respond. "I'm not so petty that I only pay attention to your looks, though." Leorio finished bandaging Kurapika. "I mean, I don't like saying this, but I really respect you, Kurapika, despite how stuck up you can be. You've got more strength and determination than anyone I know, except maybe Gon or Killua." Kurapika looked a little insulted, but Leorio just grinned. "I mean, if you were a girl, you really would be just my type. I'd probably want to marry you, or at least date you." Leorio's voice started to trail off. "But, even knowing that you're a boy doesn't really change how I feel. Maybe my brain still hasn't registered it."

"I . . ." Kurapika's voice was wavering, "I didn't know you felt that way."

"Well, I did try to seduce you by coming out of the shower naked."

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