Chapter 2

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Summer laughed hard, running into the main dance floor. "Qrow! Theres no security!" Qrow felt dangerously uncomfortable as he walked through the crowds, men wearing speedos and women wearing bikinis. Summer was eating all of the food she could find, and when one girl pet her head, called her cute, and handed her a strange looking pill and told her it was candy, he snatched it out of her hand, gritting his teeth, and gripping her wrist.

"Summer. It's time to leave. Now." Summer looks into his eyes and whimpers. "Wh-why? I'm having fun, Qrow..." The girls silver eyes fill with tears when he begins to scold her once more, so he softens up.

"Summer, this isn't for us. Let's go." He scoops her up in his arms and she pouts, wrapping her cape around herself. As Qrow walks outside, it begins to pour. Qrow ignores the pooring rain, until Summer looks up at him from her arms, giggles, and reaches her hands behind his back while holding her cloak and hoists it over his head. "Here you go~!"

Qrow rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Thanks, Summer." They get home, and he puts her down. "Now, Summer, it's nap time." He winks and she nods, quietly running to her bed and laying down. He smiles, getting back in his bed and falling back asleep without the need of music, and his mind never drifting into dreams of the small sloth faunus.


When Qrow wakes up, the sun is just starting to rise. He goes to the bathroom and takes a shower, before putting clothes on and heading out. It was only a day before he had to depart, and he wanted to spend it at the beach, especially when it was gloomy.

He took his slow time to go out to the beach, walking on the now cold and wet sand without any shoes. He stares at the warm horizon, sighing in relief that he woke up at this hour, before hearing a soft voice behind him.

"You're back?"

This time, he doesn't jump. He slowly turns around, and sees the small sloth boy for the second time of his endeavor at Menagerie.

"Yeah... thought I'd come out here before everyone else did, but it seems I've failed." He chuckles and gives a light hearted smile to Ozpin. Ozpin walks closer and stand next to him. "I'm sure you like this beach, huh? I come down here every day... to get away from home." His head turns and he looks up at the large castle to the right of the sea. Today, Ozpins hair looked exceptionally more bright than it had yesterday. Qrow doesn't look in the direction of his gaze, but rather, stares into his captivating golden brown eyes. In the gloom, he could see every eyelash and every green speckle in those beautiful gold irises. Ozpin realizes he's staring, and isn't bothered in the slightest. "Yeah... Your eyes are nice too." This startles Qrow, and his cheeks turn pink as he looks at the shorter boy.

"You know, you're taller than you were yesterday. But maybe it's the fact that you aren't slouching." Ozpin gently punches his shoulder, grinning.  Qrow stands up more broadly. "Is that so, little sloth?" Ozpin pretends to look scared, resulting in the two of them laughing hard. Time passes of them talking about meaningless things; well, more of Qrow talking about his friends and his school while Ozpin listened.

"So...where do you come from?" Qrow smiles. At this point, they were sitting in the sand.

"Have you ever climbed a tree, Qrow?" Every time the boy said his name, the feeling of his name flashed like beautiful lightning in his brain. "I have. But I don't do it often." Ozpin grins, saying nothing and standing up, running to the tree they had met at yesterday. Ozpin climbs all the way to the top within twenty seconds, and Qrow attempts to keep up.

"I thought sloths were slow!" He pants, grunting as he finally gets up the last branch. Ozpin laughs hard, standing on the edge of the branch. Once Qrow gets up there, he almost falls, and Ozpin grabs his hand. "Just relax. If you wanna be a huntsman, you have to have balance. Consider this as extra training." He chuckles and turns towards the large castle. "Up there... the tall one. That's where I come from." He whispers, smiling sadly.

"W-woah... You're... a prince?" Qrow raises an eyebrow, still holding the boys hand tightly. Ozpin shrugs. "I suppose you could say that, but not necessarily. We have no control of what goes on around here... but we are seen as royalty. But not many people know who I am, even around here. And I prefer it that way..."

Everything still felt so odd to Qrow. Despite the boys warmth, Qrow still felt like pieces of the puzzle were missing, but what did he expect? He had only met this boy yesterday, why did he want to know him like an open book? Maybe it's because Qrow felt something for him, and despite not knowing what it was, that didn't matter. What sparked his harsh curiosity was the overall sadness he felt when he realized he had to return home tomorrow, and that he may never see this boy again. Qrow sighs and hops down from the tree, Ozpin following him.

Ozpin checks his watch, eyes widening and his nose twitching. "I need to go... I'm sorry! Be here tomorrow at 4am! I hope to say goodbye to you..." As he runs off, he looks back, his eyes glowing brighter than ever. Qrow feels butterflies in his stomach, and Ozpin grins widely before running off once more. When he's finally gone, out of sight, Qrows knees sink to the floor and into the sand. He feels alone once more, before feeling a small tug on his shoulder. He turns around.

"Hey, lil' bro. Want some?" Raven grins at Qrow, a half eaten soft serve ice cream cone in her hand. After taking a final lick, she hands it to Qrow.

"Thanks, Raven." He smiles, eating the cone before finishing the ice cream. She sits next to him, making no mention of the boy, despite seeing him and Qrow. "Sooooo... Apparently Tai really likes Summer." Her voice cracks twice during the sentence. Qrow sighs. "Why do you care so much, Raven? Summer isn't interested in relationships, she has the mental state of a ten year old. And Tai doesn't like you like that." Raven opens her mouth to speak, before being interrupted. "You're too good for that baboon."

Raven closes her mouth, and jumps on her brother, giving him a big hug. Qrow chuckles. "C'mon, Raven, you're ruining my beach expirience with your drama. Let's go snorkeling." He grins, and she smiles wider. "Okay, just us, right? No Summer?" He nods, and they go to the nearest shop. He wonders about the boy all day, collecting any green or silver shell he can find with the thought of him in his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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