chapter 3

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(update: imma carry on this story when i remember too, it was fun to make the first two chapters so i thought id give making more a go)

*next day*
now i know a couple of people im a lot calmer going into school than i was yesterday. mind you, im still shitting myself but at least i wont faint again.
"hey! y/n!"
i turned around to see damon waving at me. he was with a small group of boys.
i look round and damon aproaches me.
"come over here, im talking to you!"
i slowly aproach him and his mates.
"this is graham, dave and alex"
graham had short brown hair and glasses. dave was ginger, and alex was r e a l l y tall with longish hair.
"she is fit i'll give you that" alex murmers to graham. damon sniggers and as my face turns bright pink, im saved by a familiar voice.
liam grabs my arm and pulls me away.
"what you doing hanging out with them creepy pricks?" i shook my head. i dont know what to say, but liam takes my hand
"come with me love. i wanna show you something."
the bell for class rings but i dont want to be rude so i follow liam.

we arrive in what looks like an abandoned building. what the fuck is this doing in a school?
"you see, this used to be a changing room back in the 80s till they found asbestos in the walls. never knocked it down, so now its where me and my mates come to hang out. you smoke?"
ive never smoked in my life before.
"yeah i smoke." i lie. liam puts a cigarette between my lips and takes a lighter to light it. shit, this is my second day of school and im already bunking off class and smoking with what seems like the schools 'bad boy'.
liam puts his hand on my waist and before i can do anything another boy comes round the corner.
"oi! liam! what the fuck are you doing with that bird!"
"fuck off noel."
i stand there awkwardly as liam and this noel boy laugh and hug each other
"y/n, this is my prick of a brother noel" liam says.
i smile at him and he smiles back.
"so what brings you two hear then you bunkers?"
"i was just showing y/n the school smoking area. shes fucking class, she likes the beatles and shit."
"fuck off really? tell you what, come round after school and we can smoke something a little stronger and listen to some music. aye liam did i tell you i picked up a bottle of vodka from the offy? we can crack that open if you want, ma's not in tonight."
holy shit.
"that damon lads havin a party tonight. even though he's a prick i thought it might be good to go. what do you think, y/n?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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