How to survive zodiac school part 2 !!

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He sits down next to the girl, he looks at her again and gets distracted from reality by her light brown wavy hair, it was like magic, and it's scent smelled like Caramel, the one thing in the world that didn't annoy him
And soon enough, he drifted to sleep

After a few moments.. Cancer feels something tickling her neck, she turns around to see a black pile of HAIR getting close to her! she gasps loudly and the pile of hair backs away rapidly!
That wasn't hair.. it was a boy, a sleepy one

-"UM EXCUSE" Said cancer, angry that this stranger just ruined her calm vibe, but quickly lost the feeling of anger as she looked at his face, he looked.. Deadly.. she was taken it aback by how.. "scary" his stare was..
Two hands came from behind him and 'yeeted' him off the seat

-"Im so sorry my brother is a creep" said Leo as she sat in his place and put his bag on the ground

-"What'd Ya Say!?" Scorpio growled, his stare becoming deadlier

they start arguing with each other while the others are cheering and betting on who would roast the other better
They were bad mouthing each other for just a few moments but it felt like decades for Cancer..

Leo and Scorpio both feel a small yet strong hand pushing them away from each other, they both look down to see Cancer with.. A Smile!?

-"it's not very kind of you two to interrupt other people's peace." she says with a smile, but is clearly annoyed a LOT

Leo immediately changes the subject by comparing Cancer's size to herself and Scorpio with a simple gesture
The bus blows up with the sound of laughter
Cancer immediately steps back in embarrassment and goes back to her seat, Scorpio gives Leo a "you are dead" glare and sits next to Cancer
Gemini gets up and looks down on them from the seat behind them to make an offensive comment but quickly regrets his decision as he sees Scorpio giving him a "Set your butt down" look

After a few minutes, the bus arrives and everyone gets off the bus leaving Scorpio and Cancer last, as they both start walking to school and their classes they wave goodbye to each other and Scorpio turns around to see Pisces in the distance, he walks over to him but as he gets closed he sees him having an annoyed look on his face

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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