Kise x Nerdy reader.

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another one shot !! this was a request from a fellow reader so i hope you enjoy, if you're reading this

&ohmygod writing smut is so embarrassing LOL



"(Name), can you help me with this?" Your friend asked, pointing to a question on the practice exam.

"Sure, all you need to do is to substitute x to -3, then the equation will be easy," you explained, giving her a gentle smile.

It was a few days before the big yearly test, this test will determine your rank and everything for the whole of next year, so of course everyone is studying very hard. Except for one; Kise Ryouta.

Kise was crying, with his hands covering his face.

"Kise, stop crying." You complained, looking at the sad blonde boy.

"B-but (name)-cchi, I can't do it!" He whispered, with his hands still buried into his face. 

"You're annoying me." You said, glaring at the still crying boy. 

With that said, the boy looked at you with teary eyes. 

"Will you help me?" He asked, pouting. 

"No." You declined, turning back to your practice exam.

"(Name)-cchi is mean." Kise stated, pouting his lips once again. 

"Being nice won't get you anywhere," you replied, still working on your current equation. 

Kise looked at you, and left the classroom. "Huh?" You hummed, as guilt washed all over you, you knitted your brows together and chased the boy. 

"Kise!" You yelled across the hallways, disturbing all of the classrooms. You ran, and looked for the idiot blonde boy everywhere, but no avail, he was no where to be found. You heaved a sigh, and fell onto the floor, with your knees tucked into your arms. 

"(Name)-cchi?" A small voice asked from a close distance. You didn't bother to look up or move. 

"Sorry.." You hear the blonde mutter, he crouched down to your level and pulled you into a hug. Your heart started to beat rapidly and your face flushed red, you felt warm, and safe. 

"Do you have a fever? Why are you so hot?" Kise asked, as he turned is gaze to your face. 

Of course, you being you, took that the wrong way. 

"I-I'm no-t hot!" You stuttered, embarrassed, you buried your hands into your face. Kise smirked, and tucked a strand of your hair behind your red ear, "you're awfully red, (name)-cchi." He muttered in an awfully low and sexy tone. This made your heart beat faster than a hummingbirds pair of wings. 

A hummingbird heartbeat. 

"K-Kise.." You whispered, you could feel yourself aching for his warm touch once he broke his hug.

"I need one thing." Kise muttered, standing up. You felt empty and intoxicated because his warm breath against your skin wasn't there anymore. 

"I need you to be my girlfriend ssu," he stated happily as ever. You looked at him, and blinked for a few seconds. 

"I-" You muttered, looking down at your crinkled skirt. 

"I will be your girlfriend if you pass the exam." You boldly stated, looking up once again at him, into his gorgeous pair of golden coloured eyes. 

"One condition, you have to be my tutor," he hummed, as he offered his hand to help you stand. You pouted and took his hand, standing. 

"Fine." You agreed, flustered. 

* * * 

"Kise, you're not going to get anywhere if you don't focus on your studies." You stated, being captain obvious. You saw his lips form into a small pout.

"That's why I have you!" He beamed, flashing you a smile.

"Huh?" You asked again, not quite understanding what he meant.

"Well, I mean, because I'm not really smart, but you are amazing. So we fit perfectly with each other!" He explained, with his smile still not fading.

"You're a dumb piece of ass." You muttered, heaving a sigh and shaking your head. "Eh?" He asked, as he widened his eyes. 

"L-ook, just finish t-t-he equation okay?" You stuttered, remembering that if Kise passed the exam, you would be his girlfriend. 

* * * 

It was the day of the exam, everyone was pale and feeling sick. You were nervous, your hands were shaking and you were a wreck. You had pale skin and evident dark circles. 

Entering the classroom, you felt a heavy atmosphere, your heart tightened as you saw Kise. 

"(Name)-cchi!" He greeted, still looking at your weary expression. "Are you okay? You look like a ghost ssu!" He exclaimed, as his eyes widened. 

Truth to be told, you weren't nervous because of the exam, you were nervous because of Kise. You were nervous that he would be your boyfriend if he had passed, but not only that, you were nervous because you had a small feeling that maybe he couldn't pass, and he wouldn't be your boyfriend. 

"H-H-Hi!" You greeted, trying to sound as natural as possible, your bottom lip trembled, as you balled your fists. 

"Hey, it's going to be fine." Kise reassured, giving you a warm smile. You nodded and made your way to your seat.

After a long three hours, you sighed. You couldn't focus on anything in the exam, the only thing you thought of was Kise. 

* * * 

"(Name), you got 42/100 for you maths exam, what exactly went wrong?" Your angry teacher questioned you, holding up your exam paper. 

"I-" You mumbled, looking down at your feet. 

"You usually get 95 or above, what went wrong?" She questioned again, her thin wrinkly fingers gave you your test paper. 

"Try harder next time." Your teacher muttered, as you walked away. 

Tears started to stream down your face, you felt defeated and broken.

"(Name)-cchi!" A happy voice came running down to you. 

"Look look! I got 98/100!" Kise screamed, shoving his maths paper into your face. "Eh? What's wrong?" He suddenly asked, seeing you crying. 

"G-Good job, Kise." You stuttered, trying to sound as happy as possible for him. Not even a second after, his muscular hands were around you, his breath was against your neck and that warm feeling devoured you again. 

"I know," he whispered, lacing his fingers into some of your hair. You cried softly, and bought your arms around him. He pulled away, and his lips were gently pressed against yours. Bursts of ecstasy and bliss exploded throughout your body, you felt like you won. 

"(Name)-cchi can only be my girlfriend if she passes the make-up exam this Saturday." 

* * * 

"Kise," you stated, holding up the exam paper. You had achieved 110/100, you noticed that there was a problem with the equation, so your teacher gave you an extra 10 points. 

The blonde boy smirked and muttered into your ear, (name)-cchi will be mine now." As he wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you into a tight kiss. 


rushed asfuck sorry 

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