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it was around 11pm by the time sophie dropped will off at the wheeler home

"it was nice meeting you byers" sophie said with a grin, skipping up to the front door. "can i bring you out for breakfast tomorrow?"

"yeah totally, i'm paying though"

"no u aren't"

"yes i"

the door swung open interrupting sophie and wills playful banter. mike was standing there with a well, not so friendly look on his face.

"hey will." mike said looking anywhere but at sophie

"hey mike, this is sophie" will said happily pointing at his new friend

"mmm your girlfriend right"

if looks could kill, mike would be dead. will glared at him before replying. "no"

sophie shuffled her feet awkwardly and whispered, "it was nice to meet you but i should go"

"okay bye soph" will said pulling her into a hug, mike stood there and crossed his arms, a foul look spreading across his face

"yeah bye soph!" mike said imitating will

sophie frowned as will glared at mike yet again

what was his problem

sophie ran over to her car, "i'll pick you up at 9 tomorrow morning okay byers? be ready or your ass is grass" she called over her shoulder

"right, fear the pretty lady if i'm late"

"that's right byers" she grinned and waved and then she was gone, leaving mike and will in an awkward silence

mike walked inside without saying a word to will

"what's your problem with sophie?"

"i don't have one" mike mumbled

"could've fooled me" will retorted crossing his arms

"seriously, i don't care, kiss all the girls you want"

"maybe i will!"

mike's face fell, "yeah... okay" he said quietly

will didn't miss mike's quick change of tone and frowned

"are you okay?"

"yeah... yeah i'm fine"

"no you aren't.. what's up" will asked sitting down on the couch

mike hesitantly sat down next to him

"was she your first kiss" mike asked so quietly it was barely audible

"no" will replied, confused as to why mike was asking that

"who was then"

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