What Do I Tell Him

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I wake up gasping, clutching my chest. I look to the spot next to me where Buzz was laying, only to realize that he was no longer next to me. I begin to feel panicked, I try to assure myself that he's okay, but my worrying takes control. I search through the closet quietly calling out his name so I wouldn't bother anyone else. The more I search, the more worried I become. What if something happened to him? What if he's hurt and alone? I rush out of the closet, looking around for Buzz. As I round the corner of the bed, I spot him talking with Jesse and Forky, and they seem to have heard me tumble around the bedpost.

"Woody?" Buzz says as he begins walking towards me. "Are you alright?"

I quickly try to pull myself together, now realizing that I left my hat in the closet, "Uh, y-yeah. I just woke up and I uh... I didn't know where you were so I-I came to see where you were."

Buzz gives me a kind smile, which makes my face heat up, "You don't have to worry, Woody. I'm not going anywhere" He says with a chuckle.

I reply with a quick nod, then begin heading back to the closet to think. I hear shuffling from behind me as I'm about to go back into the closet. I turn around and see Buzz walking up behind me.

"You seem upset, do you want to talk about it?"

I nod and we both enter the closet, walking back towards our living area. We sit down and I tell Buzz about the dream I had, all except for the whole "I love you" part. After I finish telling him, we sit in silence for a bit.

"Do you think it could have been from anxiousness? Maybe you're just not used to being back here yet."

I shrug and sit back against the wall, looking at Buzz and inspecting his features. His eyes make me feel safe. A sudden feeling of sadness washes over me, I want to pull him close, to kiss him, but what would happen if I did? Would he accept it and feel the same, would he leave me to rot with my uncontrollable feelings. I start to tear up thinking about it.

"Woody? You look like you're about to cry. Are you okay?" Buzz says as he places his hand on my arm.

I don't respond. Instead, without thinking, I cup his face in my hands and pull his face to mine, interlocking our lips. He's shocked at first, but then pulls me closer. After a while, it becomes more passionate, more intense. I don't want this to end, the feeling of his mouth against my own. I love him more than he can imagine. We eventually pull apart, panting and pressing our foreheads together. Our hands are interlocked, and it seems that neither of us want to let go.

"Buzz, I... I love you."

"I love you too, Woody."

We sit there for another 10 minutes, going back and forth between kissing and breathing. I truly do love my space ranger.

Hey nyall, I posted a thingy on my discussion page. If you like reading this story so far, I would consider maybe hitting that follow button, maybe, you don't have to,,, heheh,,,, unless

Anyway, if there's anything you'd like me to write about, check out the conversations tab and reply to my most recent :D Thanksies

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