Nothing Wrong

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Harry went to his Common room, sighing quietly when he finally got to the dorm.. He sat Draco down on his bedside table and laid in his bed. He just sat there on his back for a while as he eyes glossed over..


"What's wrong?" Hermione asked, she noticed how quiet Harry's been that whole week. "Nothing" he said, walking away from her.. shit that was mean.. Draco was stood in the hall with their dragon on his shoulder, he was talking to Pansy and Blaise.

"Draco!" Harry giggled as the Dragon jumped off Draco's shoulder and flew to him with his small wings- Draco didn't even know he flew away but when he heard his name get called out by Harry Potter- Happily- he turned around quickly. "oh" he muttered when he noticed Harry was just talking about the dragon.

 "Hi Draco" Harry said walking past him, smirking.. "Wow not going to say hi back?" Harry called, disappearing behind the door he wasn't intentionally leaving through. "I- I- Um- bye" Draco stammered and Pansy rolled her eyes at Blaise's smirk. 

"I can't believe i just fucking did that" Harry didn't really know what he was doing in the empty classroom he walked behind but now he's there with Draco the Dragon.. He didn't want to walk out again.. cause Draco was literally right outside.. Harry heard him stuttering and that made him smirk..

"Do what?" He heard and he almost had a heart attack- it was just Ginny sat with what looked like a book- she was sat against the wall on a table.. 

"Why are you in here?" Harry asked, walking over to her and hopping on the other end of the table.

 "Reading. Hermione wouldn't leave me alone, she kept asking questions every minute i read a page." Ginny said, annoyance in her voice and Harry nodded. She was reading what looked like a potions book. But why? 

"so why are you so shocked that you said something?" she said and Harry blushed "nothing, talked to uh Cho is all" shit, sensitive topic- shouldn't of said that. "cool. you still like her?" she said, jealousy possessing her eyes. 

"No- no not anymore.. i mean- yeah but she just- you know? cries a lot now.." He muttered and she nodded slowly, biting her lip in anger. 

"Heard you kissed her?" she said and he looked at her with a bit of shock.. she looked up again. "how'd you know? It was just last week? is it going around the school??" Harry said, insecure and Ginny let out a fake laugh 

"No, Hermione told me. Said you said it was all wet and hated it since it was so bad as your first kiss" she said and Harry turned red. 

"i mean like i never liked anyone before so how would i be good a kissing!" Harry protested even though he did like someone "no worries i haven't had my first kiss either" "Wait- yes you have, you and Dean last year.." that made her turn deep red.. caught in a lie.. 

"Hmm? Look at that? almost dinner time. See ya Harry" She got up quickly and left.. He groaned and just sat there on the desk with the Dragon on his shoulder- who keeps continuing to move it's stub of a horn against his cheek. 

"knock knock" he heard and he looked up, watching the door open. "Parkinson?" he said, sitting up more on the table and she smirked "Yep that's me, i need to chat" she sat next to him and the little dragon rawred at her. "so what's up with you and Draco? the whole dragon thing?" she said and he turned away, hiding his blush

 "I don't know what you're talking about, I just named the Dragon we're working on Draco- you know? like the Constellation." Harry said and Pansy hummed "but the 'hi Draco' and the 'wow not even going to say hi back?' thing was just a coincidence?" she said, that made his heart race quickly. 

"I like it when he blushes! his cheeks get all pink and I haven't see anyone capable of doing it, it's usually when I say his name so.." he said quietly and Pansy smirked nudging him "so you crushing?" "no" he said sheepishly, clearly lying "the sound of your voice says different" she said and he huffed 

"please don't tell him... it's not that big of a crush.. he's just pretty to look at" Harry muttered and Pansy put her hand up "I promise- plus i already noticed you liked him" she said and he blushed hotly.

"how?" "you stare at him everyday in class, not that hard to not notice, he talks about how- wait never he said not to mention that" Pansy said and Harry puffed his cheeks 

"but i just literally told you- my nemesis's friend- that i had a crush on him. Me Harry Potter. Has a crush on Draco Malfoy and you're not going to tell me what you were going to say" he huffed and Pansy laughed 

"he talks about how pretty your eyes are is all" she said, pushing he hair back and he blushed hotly, covering his face. 


"What's wrong?" Hermione asked again and Harry stopped walking "nothing Mione! literally nothing is wrong!" he said and she put her hands on her hips 

"so your cut up wrists say different?" she said and Harry quickly pulled his sleeves down more "Harry, i know you're not okay, please talk to me.. what's wrong" she stepped closer to him and put her hands lightly on his forearms... holding him. 

"I don't want to talk about it-" "Hey Potter" he turned around quickly to see Draco walking towards him. "Dragon" Draco stopped in front of him, wanting the dragon "Why?" he said, feeling the dragon resting on his shoulder comfortably. 

"Because you have Quidditch in a hour. I might as well take him" he said simply, holding his hand out. "you keep track of my practice?" Harry asked, gently setting the little dragon on his hand and he smirked "maybe, I got to make sure i'm not coming across you when i practice" he said making their hands touch a bit- that got Harry's cheeks a deep red. 

"why are you being so nice?" Harry said softly and Draco smirked, winking and walking away with the dragon "see you later Potter" he called back and Harry's stomach erupted in butterflies- it felt like it was going to come out of his mouth if he opened it.. 

"What happened?" Ron said noticing his flustered cheeks but happy smile. "Nothing" Harry giggled, "i'm going to shower before practice!" Harry jogged away from them- the way Draco had went. 

"Malfoy!" Harry called down the hall and Draco turned around, their dragon was sat on his shoulder.. 

"Hey uh.. i was.. um.. i uh shit" "spit it out Potter" Draco laughed at his flustered face and nervous posture.. "I was wondering.. if you'd like.. to um.. maybe study together?" Harry said, instantly regretting it. 

"Yeah, sure" Draco said and Harry looked up, his eyes brightening. "Don't get your hopes up Potter. We're just studying" Draco laughed and Harry smiled "So" Harry giggled and Draco rolled his eyes- but on the inside he wanted to press his lips to Harry's smiling ones... his smile was so pretty.. and his eyes were just so easy to get lost in... 

Draco had recently seen him in the locker room after a Quidditch game and he had very prompt abs and curves on his waist.. he was just pretty in general. "Hello? earth to Malfoy! you're looking at me like you're going to pass out" Harry said, waving a hand in his face and breaking him out of his thoughts.

 "Sorry, just thinking. You're going to be late to practice- you might want to go" Draco said, looking at his watch 

"shit! thanks- uh After class Saturday?" Harry said, walking backwards "Yeah" he said, walking down he hall and Harry smiled, sprinting to the field.  

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