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This is an explanation as to what's been going on, if you don't wanna read it just skip to the bold text at the bottom.

Ok so, since I started this fanfic, life's been fuckin wild. Graduated high school, got my license, and started college, things were looking good, I was just busy, and stressed out. Went on a downward spiral when I started college, lost a few family members, was having trouble finding a job, and started to shut people out again. The added stress of college on top of everything else going on was killing me, and if I'm gonna be honest I probably wouldn't have survived the following year, but a group of very very close friends didn't let me shut them out, and I met someone else who was having a hard time, and I fell in love. After almost a full semester of tension and dancing around each other we did talk it out, and decide that we wanted a relationship. To cut a long story short, life got even more complicated, and it was a terrible time to be focused on anything, or anyone else. Instead of talking about how fucked my life was becoming I was stuck in a limbo between trying to open up about it and shutting people out, and the relationship ended in distance growing between us. I lost more family, and it was getting hard to even get out of bed in the morning again, and I needed someone to pull me up, but she couldn't be there for me. For a while I just stagnated in self pity, self loathing, and anger in general and gave up on myself, but once again very very close friends, people who I now consider family, pulled me up again.  After a little while longer I found a job, and I was actually feeling good and things were looking to be on the upswing. As with almost every other good thing to happen to me, something just as bad had to happen...
my father decided that he wanted to become a deadbeat when he grew up, so he abandoned my stepmother, my two young brothers and I, and disappeared to god knows where because he had grown to hate my stepmother. I've been working overnight shifts at Walmart for 2, almost 3 months now, and I'm basically raising 2 kids while doing it, and to top things off, the girl I fell in love with and I are talking regularly again, and I thought I was over her, but I'm still in love, and I don't know what to do about it, I can't move on or stop feeling this way.
Back to the story, oof...
After rereading this fanfic and cringing most of the time I've decided that if I do continue this, I'm just going to do a complete rewrite. As you can guess based on my explanation, I don't have too much free time atm, so it might take a little while, but if there are still people who want me to continue this I will try my best.
Sorry for the wait, and for the essay lmao,

- Nyk

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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