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A scream rings out in the darkened night. I hop from roof to roof towards the sound, using the Telepathy aspect of my quirk to carry me over larger gaps. During the 4 years of doing this I had found that my illusions could affect reality, by also using telepathy. I needed to activate the Illusion aspect to get to the telepathy, but it was strong and I didn't have to allusion much. I just made myself look like a shadow to anyone who could have seen me. I also learned of my drawback, Depending on the scale of the illusions and how many people see them, the people witnessing my illusions and I will get head pains. I can easily see past my illusions, more aware of reality.

My costume isn't much, gray sweat pants, a loose gray hoodie with some holes, battered black gloves, and a basic rabbit mask that I painted light green. It keeps me discreet, especially when the mask is off. I have a plain face. I Illusion an actual costume for the show of it, but there is no way I can actually afford one. I could barely afford my red sneakers.

I landed in the alley with a thud, causing the thug to look towards me. Turns out the person that screamed was a man. A very high pitched scream.

The thug sees a young adult dressed in a green jumpsuit with grey markings, a rabbit mask that only showed glowing eyes, and red combat boots. "Who the hell are you? Some wannabe hero!?" He pounds his fists together, causing the concrete seemingly crawling up him as a gloss. I smirk and respond with a deep pitched voice, "Phantasm. Pleased to have met you." Some recognition appears across his face, probably recognizing the name without ever have heard what I look like, right as I send illusion me to punch him into a wall. I make my real self invisible to the thug and visible to the victim, still in the illusion suit. I walk to the victim, making my voice sound more comforting as i speak, "Hey, are you alright?" I hold out a hand and he grabs it with a very slick hand, "H-h-hey, thanks dude!" I nod, "You should call the police. My clone should be almost done with hi—" I have my illusion self drop the thug next to me with a thud, the man unconscious, to try and make the dude calm down a little, "Never mind." I dispel illusion me, "better call the cops quick." He very quickly and clumsily gets a phone out of his pocket, as I float my self up and onto a roof, "By the way, don't let anyone make fun of you for that scream of yours." And I'm gone.


I arrive in my dilapidated apartment, a rent free wonderland of cobweb and precariously old boards. Affordable. I drop into a sit in a room that is on the second floor, one that is fairly not broken. I've cleaned this room so it looks presentable to me, probably not to many people.

I grab my Phantasm flip phone from my hoodie pocket, Its really just an untraceable flip phone with a green P on it, as I feel it vibrate. A text from Eraserhead, or as his contact says "Aiza-kun," which only happens when extra help is needed on a raid. "Phanta, tomorrow night we're wrapping up the drug smuggling issues in xxxxx, some heroes have other issues within their own districts to deal with so you're a fill in." He follows this with an address.

Underground heroes are kinda weird in this sort of way, especially Eraserhead. They fully trust vigilantes, having no qualms about working with outlaws like me. Well, like me as in they don't kill, Non-lethal Vigilantes, but Eraser has seemed to have taken to me from what I can tell. I mean, he is one out of the two contacts on this phone, the other one being an informant's burner. I think we would be an amazing hero duo if I was a legal hero.

I shoot back an ok then shut the phone and toss it onto the slightly soda stained mattress, grabbing my actual flip phone from my right sweat pant pocket. I flip it open and start playing Tetris.


My official description for Izuku's quirk:

Quirk: Mental Illusion
Description: The user can send himself and anyone else into full sensory illusions. The user has a "sixth sense" that allows him to know where everyone in a half a mile distance from him is, and where they are looking (He doesn't know who it is, just that it is someone). The more people that are looking at his Illusion, the less strain it puts on his own mind but he still needs to be thinking of the Illusion. He does not need to be looking at the illusion for it to be happening. Once he has any Illusion up, he can use very strong and versatile telekinesis to interact with anything in anyway.
Drawbacks: The less people that look at/more complicated the Illusion, the more strain it puts on his mind. This causes headaches and could lead to passing out.

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