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Several months later

-"Harry!"- I listen as my best friend ran up the stairs. Something that had become a habit of the boy in recent months.

-"Do you need anything Hermione? Everything is fine? Is it about babies? Are you ready?"-

-"Harry, Harry calm down breathe."- You could tell he was short of breath after running those stairs. Harry had been helping me with everything about my pregnancy like Molly, George and Ginny. Ron had gone to stay at Bill's house a few days after their discussion months ago. He had said it would only be days, but days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. He only came back when I had appointments with the doctor, and then he stayed for a while, talked to his mother and then left.

-"I just wanted something to drink."- You could tell he needed a break. -"Why didn't Ginny came instead? I can tell you're tired Harry, why don't you take a nap? It would do you good."-

-"Ginny went with Molly to Diagon Alley, and George went to pay Bill a visit. I also didn't want to leave you alone."-

-"Thank you"- At that moment an owl I didn't recognize perched on my window.

-"Could you see who is it from?"-

-"Yes"- The boy walked to the window and took the letter.

-"Tell me what it says"- He stared at the letter as he read it. It seemed he was analyzing it. -"Harry?"-

-"It's from Malfoy. He wants to come see you, what do I answer?"-

-"Tell him there is no problem. He has not come to visit for a long time."- And it was true since they talked months ago Draco had not had time to come. Although he sent letters making sure everything was fine, something that comforted me deep down.

-"Okay."- Harry picked up a scroll from the table and wrote the answer and gave it to the owl. Some minutes passed since the owl was gone when we heard someone knock on the door. -"Will you want to go down?"-

-"Would you help me?"-

-"Of course."- Harry helped me to get out of bed and together we went down to the living room. Harry went to open the door and seconds later Harry returned with Draco following a few steps behind him.

-"You had never looked better."- It was the first thing he told me. He smiled at me with that side smile that I liked so much. I had come to think that I would never see it again. -"How have you been?"-

-"I would say fine but I would be lying to you. I've been very tired lately ..."-

-"And she has many cravings. You don't know what I've been through to please her."- Harry interrupted. They both looked at me and laughed.

-"What!? These two ..."- I said putting my hands on my belly. -"They love to eat."-

-"Well then they would be like their mother without a doubt."-

-"Harry can you bring me something to drink, please?"-

-"I had already forgotten. Eh, Draco do you want something?"-

-"A tea would be fine Harry, thanks."-

-"Good. I'll be right back."- Harry went to the kitchen, leaving Draco and Hermione alone.

-"How have you been?"- Draco asked Hermione who looked like she was lacking a lot of sleep and was exhausted. -"I can tell you're tired. A nap wouldn't hurt you, you know,"- he said with a tone of sarcasm in his voice.

-"How funny. You know sometimes I think are you actually a Malfoy or did you just pretended?"- We both laugh after that comment.

-"Tell me the truth."- He looked at me with those platinum eyes as if he were looking for an answer in my eyes. -"Hermione..."- His voice sounded like he was begging.

-"Actually I have been worse, really. There are sometimes I can't stand the pains that come and go. There other times I can be very bossy and demanding. Well more than normal."- I said after seeing the look Draco gave me. -"But I have endured it and kept going."-

-"That's the Hermione I know."- There was a silence in which we only looked at each other as if we understood each other without words. I tried to look for a sign or something that said how he really felt. -"You don't know how much I've missed you, I've reached the point of despair."-

-"Oh really?"- I replied sarcastically.

-"Don't laugh, I mean it. There were times when I thought I would never see you again. I could never be calm when I knew you could die and I couldn't do anything to protect you. Hermione please forgive me for everything."-

-"There is nothing to forgive, and I missed you too."-

-"Good. Eh 'Mione?"-

-"Yes Dragon?"-

-"Wow you haven't called me that in a while."-

-"I know, but what were you gonna tell me?"-

-"Ah yes. Eh, I was talking to my mother a few days ago about, you know, everything that has happened. And then I was curious to know what happened to Teddy's parents, although honestly I already had a response in my mind you know, but she still replied, saying that Lupin and Tonks died in battle. I felt very sorry to ask, so I said that I was very sorry to Andromeda and I apologized. She accepted them, but you could tell she was still hurt to much to even talk about it."-

- "Draco what's your point?" -

- "Well, then I asked her who else had died and she told me many names. Some I knew them, others I didn't, most were deatheaters. I really didn't care much. Until she mentioned a particular name that caught my attention."- There was a sudden silence where neither said anything.

-"What name was it, Draco?"-

-"Fred Weasley"- Both boys said nothing, they just looked at each other like reading each other's minds. Hermione tried to endure the urge to cry, because although Fred was not "family" she loved him as a brother and it hurt in the same way. Apparently Draco noticed this and got up from where he was, and made his way to Hermione, who was sitting on the couch, and hugged her. -"Sorry, I didn't knew how it affected you so much."- They stayed that way for a while until Harry interrupted them.

-"Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt."- The green-eyed boy noticed what was happening and without another word, he left leaving them alone again. The both of them were hugging for a while, you could only hear the sobs of Hermione and Draco whispering that everything would be fine to calm her down. After a long time, and when Hermione was filling better, Draco decided to ask Hermione something.

-"Hermione have you thought of names for the kids?"-

-"No not really. Why?"-

-"I've thought about ones."-

-"Well tell me your ideas then."-

-"Well you said that they are both boys, I was just thinking, maybe one of them could be Scorpius and the other could be Hyperion what do you think?"-

-"I think they are perfect. But I would add a middle name, maybe Scorpius James and Draco Hyperion, what do you think?"-

-"I love them"- They both started talking and laughing about silly things. Both were happy, although they knew they could not control the things that would happen, both took advantage of this special moment between them.

Hermione didn't notice that a certain red-haired boy had arrived to the house and when he saw Hermione laughing in the arms of a certain blond boy he got angry and left the house closing the door loud enough for everyone to hear him, leaving a very surprised George and a very confused Hermione.

I Never Stop Loving You, Malfoy Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora