JaMich <3

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  • Dedicated to Jamich

It all started when Mich and her Cousin were video chatting. Jam saw Mich, and asked Mich's cousin who that girl on the screen was. 

 "That's my cousin Mich" 

"Wow... She's pretty" Jam stated. 

Mich smiled and said "Okay... Uh, I better go now!" 

After that day, Jam and Mich started to video chat even more. They started to fall in love with each other.

As they fall inlove, Mich's parents hated Jam. They always say Jam doesn't have a job. Which is not true. He teaches hip-hop. 

One day, Jam tried the Casino out. But then he got really addicted to it. There's even a time where he never went home, and slept in the Casino. There was also a time where he sold everything just so he could play in the Casino! When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING! Including his phone. 

"Where have you been?! I've been calling you since yesterday! Why aren't you answering my calls and texts?" Mich exclaimed.

"I... sold my phone..." Jam replied. 

"Why did you sell it?!"

"I... needed money"

"For what?!" 

"Something. Why don't we celebrate our monthsary today instead of talking about this bullshit?" 

"Wow. You think this is bullshit?! You sold your phone! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND-"


"Well maybe we should break up!" Mich shouted.

Later that day, Jam drinked the whole entire day. He went to Mich's house and apologized. Mich's parents came out of the gate and said "Leave! Mich is not here!" 

"I'm here to see Mich. Not her parents"


"Just please let her out! I love your daughter, and I'm willing to give her my everything. I want her to be my wife and my happily ever after. I promise you, I will get a job. A real job"

Aparently, Mich went out and talked to Jam. Of course she forgave him. And so far, her parents likes Jam now!

Jam, his brother Yexel and their mom went through a tough time. They were loosing their money. Jam would stay in the Casino for at least 1-3 days, and he would sleep there. Jam's mom got really worried. Jam got these unusual sickness. He had been coughing for too long. It has been like 5 months, and yet he still has a cold. The doctor didn't say anything bad about it though. They just told Jam to drink lots of water, and the medicines.

Jam and Mich decided to make shortfilms on youtube. Their channel got quite popular on youtube! They even made tons of money. 

One day, Jam and Mich recieved a bad news. Jam has cancer. Lung Cancer, and its in stage 4. This news went all over the news in the Philippines. Everyone prayed for Jam to get better. Jam and Mich thanked all of their supporters. 

Everytime Jam is feeling down, he would think about Mich and his future together, with their grandchild and their kids.

He would imagine Mich walking down the aisle with a long white dress, waiting to be Jam's forever.

Few months later

Mich proposed to Jam. Yes. A girl can propose to a boy. 

"Will you be my happily ever after?" Mich asked as tears continued to fall from her eyes.

"Yes," Jam cried, "I will be your happily ever after" Jam continued. 

Jam's condition got worse each day. Some celebrities visited him in the hospital, and made Jam the happiest man alive. 

March 4 2015

Jam finally found his rest. Everyone was shocked, and everyone's heart was broken. Mich cried each and every night, and never slept. She stayed wide awake thinking about Jam. Jam will remain in everyone's heart. 

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