First year- Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Do something" Harry called out "do what" Ron replied, "your a wizard, Ron you idiot" I yelled as loud as I could but then regretted it after I yelled it my body began to ache I knew a few bones where broken and I was bleeding inside, "swish and flick" Hermione pulled me out of my own trance, I look towards Ron to see him casting the levitation spell.

The trolls club is lifted out of his hands then dropped on his head Harry gets out of his grip and quickly runs away before he could get squashed. Hermione helps me up then asked if the trolls dead "he's only knocked out" Harry replies. Then McGonagall, Snaps And Quirrell. McGonagall then speaks "oh my goodness. Explain yourselves, both of you!" Harry, Ron and I try to explain ourselves until Hermione interrupted us "it's my fault Professor McGonagall"

"Miss Granger?" McGonagall questions her. "I went looking for the troll. I've read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong? If Harry, Ron and (Y/n) hadn't come and found me, I'd probably be dead."

"Be that as it may, it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I expected more rational behavior and am very disappointed in you. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor.. got your serious lack of judgement." we all are sad we lost house points.

"As for you two gentleman and lady. I just hope you realize how fortunate you are.. not many first-year students could take in a troll and live to tell the tale.. five points.. will be awarded to you each.. for sheer dumb luck" we all started to smile we then get told to leave but before we could even make it that far my body is in crucial pain and the everything is black.

I awake in the hospital wing with... gifts surrounding me "they're get better gifts from your friends and all the Gryffindors that won't leave" Madam Pomfrey sounded a bit annoyed when mentioning all the people that came to see me. "It has only a day since you passed out and your already fully recovered hmm well very well you can get ready then be off for breakfast."

I got ready in my robes and headed for the great hall breakfast must have already started cause no body is out in the corridors, as I enter the great hall everyone stops and stares at me then the Gryffindor table starts cheering and clapping that's when I'm tackled into a big group hug with Harry, Ron and Hermione I laugh and follow them to there seats, I immediately started eating.

"Harry why aren't you eating"

"I'm not hungry"

"It's cause you two are playing quidditch today" Ron butted in

"He's nervous and it's making him not hungry" Hermione then joined in

"Harry you must eat" Harry just looked down and played with his food, I then loaded my fork with food, grabbed Harry's faces and shoved the food in his mouth. "You will eat even if I have to force you" He then started to chew and I would give him more food once he finished the one in his mouth.

We were telling him how he will need strength today then Snape comes up to us "good luck today, Potter. You've proven yourself against a troll. A gams of quidditch should be easy work. Even if it is against slytherin. Miss Potter." I looked at Snape oh no did I do something wrong.

"You've got it in your blood and even grew up with learning everything about quidditch, this should be easy, have fun." Snape smiled a bit at me so I smiled back and with that he left.

"Did Snape just smile? and at a Potter!" Ron said a bit to loud and soon the whole table was interested in this topic I could hear a lot of 'wait you mean the scary Snape' or 'what Potter' and 'definitely not Harry Snape hates him' I just continued to eat my food.

I then hear Harry saying "that explains the blood" Hermione turned back around to look at Harry "blood?" She questioned him. "Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion. So he could try get past the three headed dog. But he got bit, that's why he's limping."

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