Bird Dude:AGH!!

I land and kicked away Frog Girl's tongue as I flee from them.

Aeden:Momo. | Momo:Y-Yes?! | Aeden:Got contact from the Hero team,I think I knocked one of them out. | Momo:Okay,keep it up,Seishi.

Momo:He called me by my first name already?!

Frog Girl:Tokoyami! Are you okay. | Tokoyami:Damn,he's just as good as Bakugo. I'm fine,thank you for your concern,Asui. | Asui:Tsuyu's fine. | Tokoyami:Very well.

I hear their voices as I float around the building. 3 minutes has passed,and while going around opening doors and windows somehow took 8 minutes. I think they were checking every room because the doors were open.

Asui and Tokoyami wearily goes through the corridors as Asui supports Tokoyami to her denial. 

Asui:Are you sure you want to continue? | Tokoyami:I'm sure,I ahd Dark Shadow defend me from that punch,but I still felt the impact. | Asui:Is it possible that he was trained by Bakugo? | Tokoyami:I don't think so,knowing how he is currently,that would be unlikely.

1 minute pass,and I enter the nuclear weapon room.

Momo:Aeden? | Aeden:There is 3 minutes left. | Momo:Okay,with the barricade I've set up,we should be able to keep them off for that long. | Aeden:Ok.

Tokoyami and Asui came quickly and start to take down the barricade. With Tokoyami's quirk,he was able to destroy the barricade after a few punches with his Quirk.

I raised my stance as Momo creates an iron bar from her body.

Tokoyami:I must say,you're as good as Bakugo. | Aeden:*deep voice* Why,thank you. But this is your end,heroes.

I materialize my gauntlets and go into a karate stance.

Aeden:Momo,think you can handle Frog Girl? | Momo:Sure,give him your all. | Aeden:Got it.

I approach as I carefully watch his movements.

He swiped down as I rush toward him,he stepped back and swiped to my right. I jumped and somersaulted over it,then roundhouse kick him. He dodge and controlled his quirk to punch directly at me. Without suspecting it,he was able to land a hit on me.

I was knocked down to my feet and see him rushing toward the nuclear weapon. I move my hand toward him and grab him,then fling him to the other side. Then kept him there,stuck to the wall. I look to my left and see Momo stuck Asui to the wall with...tape??

All Might:The Villain team...WIIIIINNNNNNSSSSSSSS!!!!

Aeden:*groans* Damn,that was a good fight. (releases Tokoyami) Are you okay? | Tokoyami:Yes,thank you,and indeed,that was a good fight.

Momo:Are you okay? Are you hurt? | Asui:No,it's okay.

All Might:*appears in the corridor* All of you did wonderful in the battle,come back to the cctv room and get some rest.

--Later,at the end of the training--

All Might:Well done,everyone!! No serious injuries,apart from Midoriya's! Great teamwork,though!! You all did splendidly,considering this was your first training exercise! (he goes into a running stance) | Someone:Coming after Aizawa-Sensei,such a straight-forward class is...almost a letdown. | Chameleon:Us teachers are free to hold no-nonsense classes if we choose! | All Might:Now,I'm off to give Midoriya his evaluation!

All Might then rushes down the corridor and disappears.

Chameleon:All of you are dismissed,go back to your classroom. | Everyone:Right!

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