Chapter 6:projector

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We all sat in the garage billy set up the  projector the map of Derry came up 

" look that's where Georgie went missing  pointing at the map of Derry the ironwork and the  blackspot its all connected WiFi the sewers they all meet up bill was saying until Ben interrupted

"The well house "

"That's the house on  neibolt street " Stan said

"What  where the junkies like to sleep " Richie said

Eddie took abit of his asthma pump

"I hate that place " I said

"Yeah Same feels like it's always watching me " bev said

" that's where I saw the clown " Eddie said breathing heavily

"That's where IT lives " billy said

" can't we stop talking about this I can barely breath it's summer we're kids we should be out Having fun " Eddie Said

Eddie was having an asthma attack and can barely breath

" I'm not doing this " Eddie said as he pulled down the map off the wall

"Put the map back "billy said to Eddie

All of a sudden the projector started moving on it's own then appeared pictures of me billy and Georgie with our mum and dad

It turn to a picture is outside a church are mums hair was in her face it was zooming in to Georgie it started going faster and went back to our mum all of a sudden it wasn't her anymore it was replaced with that clown

"What the fuck is that " Richie yelled

"Turn it off " bev shouted

Mike kicked the projector over and it froze Stan was standing next to it and  snapped pictrues until it was gone the clown suddenly jump out of the screen we all screamed  and jumped back it started to crawl towards us we walked back

I tripped and cut myself

It went to grab Beverly heading reaching out but mike and Ben lifted the door up and it disappeared

Beverly hugged billy he suddenly got On his bike

"That's go " bill said we all stared at him

"Where " is Said to bill him looking at me in The eyes

"Neibolt That's wh ere Georgie is "
Bill said stuttering

"After that " Stan shouted looking at all of us

"Yeah it's summer "Richie said agreeing what Eddie said Earlier

"You say it's summer one more fucking time " bil said grabbing his bike and riding off

"Bill wait " Beverly shouted at bill

"Billy " I shouted to him but still carried on riding away

We all got in our bikes following Bill I guess we are going to neibolt street

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