chapter three - donut hole

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"So... what do you think?" Magnus looked up from his phone where an upbeat song was playing.

"What did you say this was called again?" Merle stroked his beard confusedly.

Magnus glanced back down at his phone  just to make sure he was right. "Donut Hole."

"Well, it ain't no Kenny Chesney, that's for sure." Merle closed his eye and listened to the song a bit more closely. "I mean maybe if we could actually understand it... What language even is this? It sure as hell isn't from Faerun."

Magnus nodded. "...But it's kinda catchy right?"

Merle looked at the large man, unimpressed. "Can I just have my pulpit please Maggie?"

They were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Shit," Magnus looked up at the handmade clock on the wall of the workshop. "Is it eight already?" He hurried over to the door to let Lucretia in.

"Oh hey, Merle. What are you--"

"Oh I was just leaving," Merle eyed Magnus. "If Magnus here would just give me my goddamn pulpit."

Lucretia huffed a laugh. "Well you should come with us. We're going to that shop in town, the one near Glamour Springs."

Merle just stared, his annoyance palpable. Magnus chimed in, "If you come with us, I'll deliver your pulpit to the church myself tomorrow."

"Fine," Merle sighed. "But just to grab something for the kids."

Lucretia pushed the door to Sizzle It Up open, letting the others step inside as a frankly ill-fitting entrance tune played.

"Fantasy Costco?" Magnus questioned. "I thought this was a pastry shop."

"It is," chimed in a voice from behind the counter. Magnus looked over to see a tall elven woman with seafoam green skin and long golden hair standing at the register. "It used to be a small branch of the Fantasy Costco up the road but then we bought the space," she continued. "We still haven't found whatever plays the welcome song. But it's quirky don't ya think?" She smiled. "Anyway, welcome to Sizzle It Up! What can I g--"

She was cut off by another voice calling from the door behind her. "Hey Lup! Something's wrong with the bluetooth, can you come fix it?"

She turned toward the door. "Sure, but you gotta come help these customers!" She turned back to the group. "Sorry about that. He'll be right with you." She walked through the door, passing another figure on her way back.

The person that came up to the counter now was the same height as the elven woman, with the same golden blonde hair, the same seafoam green skin, but there was something different about him. There were the obvious differences, for instance his hair was only down to his chin, but there was something about the minute differences--the softer curve of his jaw, the slight wave of his hair, the subtle awareness in his eyes--that mystified Magnus.

"Alright then," he spoke in a voice as smooth as silk, yet nuanced and effortless. He looked up and involuntarily locked eyes with Magnus. It was only a moment that they shared eye contact, the soft olive meeting the hushed hazel, but it stirred something in Magnus, and he could tell the elf felt it, too. But after only a second his gaze shifted to peer at Lucretia. "Lucy!" he greeted warmly. "I see you finally decided to bring me some new customers!"

Magnus looked over at Lucretia inquisitively. And as if she could read his mind, she said, "I'm a bit of a regular," with a grin.

"So what can I get for you fine gentlemen?" He leaned over, placing his elbows on the counter, chin in his hand. He eyed Magnus, and the carpenter felt embarrassment at the attention.

"Uhh..." He struggled to find words. The elf tapped his finger on the counter impatiently. "...M-Merle, you go first," he finally forced out. "I'm still deciding."

Merle waddled up to the counter. "Yeah, can I just get two Athelas cupcakes please?"

"Comin' right up little man," the elf said as he sauntered over behind the glass case. Merle grumbled a bit. As the elf stuffed the cupcakes in a paper bag, the speakers in the store skipped a bit, and then came on playing halfway through a familiar upbeat song. The elf started bopping his head up and down, returning his attention to Merle. "10 gold pieces, my dude." 

Merle handed him the gold, picking up the bag and shuffling away. He passed Magnus, and looked up at the tall man. "You owe me a pulpit big guy," and he walked out of the shop.

Magnus stepped up to the counter. His face grew hot as he cleared his throat. He hoped it wasn't noticeable. "Uhm.. do you have any of th-the elderberry macarons?" he choked out.

"Sorry, none today hun." The awkward silence that followed didn't last long, as the song playing over the speakers abruptly changed to a fast paced rap song. The elf's long ears perked up at the sudden change, his half closed eyes growing wide as he stood up and yelled through the door behind him. "LUP, YOU SAUCY MOTHERFUCKER, PUT DONUT HOLE BACK ON!!!" Magnus chuckled, amused at the elf's passionate outburst. The elf pretended not to notice, turning around and leaning back over the counter with a smirk. "Whatever," he looked up at the large man for a moment. "The KYO version is better anyway."

Magnus grinned down at the slender figure. "Can you understand it?" he asked quizzically. "A friend of mine actually just recommended it to me but I can't figure out what language it is."

The elf's ears perked up, and he slid up to put his weight on his hands. "I don't speak it. It's some language from outside of Faerun somewhere, but the common translation is online." He looked down now, a bit sheepish. "I don't know what it is about it, the lyrics are noting like anything I've ever experienced, but I just..." He looked up, cheeks red. "I'm boring you," he laughed nervously.

"Oh no!" Magnus assured. "I love hearing people be passionate." He offered the elf a genuine smile.

The elf studied the man's face for a moment, taking in all of the details. The reddish-orange flecks that sprinkled his hazel eyes. The galaxy of freckles peppering his nose. The soft looking facial hair, auburn like the desert plains of Goldcliff at night. "What's your name, bubula?"


"Gimme 20 minutes, Magnus." Magnus watched him saunter back through the door, the elven woman coming through a few seconds later to man the register. He sat down at a nearby table as Lucretia ordered and chatted with the elven woman.

Almost a half hour later, Lucretia walked over, placing a hand on Magnus's shoulder. "It's getting late, Mag. I'm gonna head home."

He looked over at the door behind the counter, hesitant. When it became clear that no one was coming out of it, he lowered his head, saying, "Yeah, I should probably go, too. I still have to put the finishing touches on Merle's pulpit."

As they got to the other side of the street, they heard a slamming sound from behind them as well as an upbeat welcome tune. Magnus turned around to find the elf bounding across the street, a brown paper bag in his hand. "Wait!" he called, breathless. He slowed up in front of Magnus, placing his hands on his knees and panting for a moment. He straightened out then, placing the bag in the large man's hands. "Sorry it took so long. I wanted to make sure they were perfect."

Magnus turned the bag over in his hands, finding his name written on the bag in slanted handwriting. He opened it to find a still-warm batch of elderberry macarons inside. He looked up to see the elf back across the street, opening the door to the shop back up, half inside already. "Wait!" he called. The elf looked back, meeting his gaze straight on. "What's your name?"

The elf smiled, only a little. "I'm Taako," he called. "You know, from TV!"

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