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Adam started struggling against her, breaking her control on him. He pushed her out of his memory, making her lose the conversation.
"I wasn't finished with him yet!" Nearly in tears.
/Maybe not, but you're finishing me./ He felt as if his head were to implode. /Who is he, Juliette?/
His voice was demanding and what she thought was being overly obsessive of her. Or maybe she was hearing him wrong. The power surge had made her sick to her stomach. Light headed and sweaty, she grabbed on tight to the night stand near by. Then quickly came that awful sour taste in her mouth. She could hear Warwick's voice, 'It's all in your mind. All of it. You just need to learn how to control it.' She swallowed, holding it down.
/Are you alright? You don't look well./ He asked, concerned.
"Why do you care?" She glared at him.
/I really don't. I just rather you not die on my floor. I don't have enough strength to clean up after you./
She was drowning in anger. 'Control it.' She could hear Warwick's voice again.
/Now that's not fair to me, is it? You forced me to tell you my secret. Am I to do the same with you?/ He was beginning to sound like her.
She took in a breath. Then she took it slow to exhale. "He's Kohl Warwick, the fourth Earl of Blackbourne. Lord Blackbourne to most. Warwick to me."
/Intimacy before title? And your relationship with him?/
"He was teaching me how to use, grow and control my powers. He was making me into something he needs...to get to a source of an apocalyptic cause."
/What source?/
"He never mentioned one to me."
/Why would you let him do that to you without knowing the reason?/
"When you're in love, Adam, you'll do anything for them."
He kept silent, then almost immediately, broke it. /If you love him, why then are you here?/
"I could ask you the same about Eve." She took a bout around the room. She grabbed the wedding picture of a couple. It was a soft black and white shot from the late 1800's. The photo was bordered by a golden scalloped piece, which edged out with two other borders, then onto the antique wooden frame. Her eyes flashed back to the couple. That man's face! No! It couldn't possibly be. "Adam, is this you?" She picked up the frame to show him.
/Yes, it's me and Eve. Our wedding photo. 23rd June, 1868./
She stared at it. Adam is Laing. Robert Laing's doppelganger. They both had icy blue eyes topped with rounded eyebrows, a Greek nose, high yet sharp cheek bones and strong lips that she had always longed to be on hers. And it wasn't just their likeness, but also their record collections they harbored that made her head spin.
The difference between them was that Robert is a physiologist, had short chestnut colored hair and Adam, the vampire, had shoulder length onyx hair. But she ignored the idea of telling Adam. She didn't want any more attention than she needed from him. "Is that a frown on your face in the photo? Weren't you happy with Eve?"
/I'm very happy with Eve./ He confessed.
She turned to show him the photo. "Look how gorgeous she is! You have such exquisite taste, Adam. Her sparkling eyes, smooth porcelain complexion. Her almost white hair. Smiling. Happy. What happened? Did she get bored with you? Toss you away like a broken toy? When was the last time she actually came home to check in on you? It hasn't been recent. She wouldn't have allowed this." Her hand went up towards him. "You. Skin and bones. No, she's probably 3000 miles away waiting for you to snap out of this melancholia that's possessed you for so long. When will you snap out of it?"

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