chapter 25: d-day plus one

Start from the beginning

" Where are we?" she asked.

" Sainte Marie-Du Monte. We had to move last night, so we loaded you into a truck. You were out for hours, and you slept through the night." explained Gene. Charlotte's eyes grew wide.

" What?" She whispered, her mind suddenly not focusing on Gene anymore but the feeling of food in her stomach.

" You were violently sick in your sleep, extremely dehydrated and we had to keep cold cloths on you all the time. But you look like you're feeling much better now, which I'm happy about. I was worried, a lot, and so were the guys." Gene explained.

" You better be shittin' me!" A familiar voice called. Charlotte looked over her shoulder and smiled her wide smile seeing Liebgott with a fresh uniform. Liebgott's smile grew and he raced over to the young medic. He dropped her uniform on the bed and nearly tackled the girl onto the bed with his hug. She was giggling the joyful sound filling his ears that he seemed to miss so much.

" I missed my sunshine." He whispered in her ear and she smiled wider. He pulled back and stood with his hands on his hips looking between the two.

" Feeling better?" he asked nodding to the girl.

" Better." she said quietly back, sipping her water, and relishing the feeling of having food in her stomach again. 

" All the boys have been waiting to see you, sunshine. How bad did that ankle really hurt? You passed out. " he said sitting down and pulling up a chair.

" I guess more than it led on." she answered back. Liebgott exchanged a worried glance with Gene before turning to Charlotte.

" What happened?" he asked.

" After I landed, 'bout four in the morning, I came to this town that was being bombed by the friggin Krauts. And they blew up some house and the wood beam fell on my ankle, it was there for 15 minutes but I managed to get it off in time. My canteen had been blasted, holes and all, with no water, no food available. Only me and my medic satchel. I couldn't really do much else, and then Skinny found me. " the young girl answered.

" Wasn't Carentan right? " Gene asked leaning forward in his chair with his steaming coffee. Charlotte looked down.

" No, it was too small." she answered sullenly.

" The blood wasn't mine. Only from the nosebleed, but the stuff down the front of me was the German I ran into. But I promise, I'm fine." she said with a nod. Before the two boys could speak a few new voices filled the room.

" 'Eh look, Tarvers' awake!" called the excited voice. Charlotte smirked when she saw it was Luz, with Perconte, Toye, Guarnere, Muck, Bull, Malarkey and Martin on his heels. Some she hadn't even seen and must've arrived last night when she was out cold. George threw his arms around the young girl, who affectionately hugged the man back, before he placed a kiss on her head and ruffled her hair. The others piled on their hugs and kisses, each whispering a word of 'thank god you're back' in her ear, which made her smile.

" We heard that someone had a birthday yesterday." said Muck, hauling up a brown paper package tied up with string. He sipped his coffee. Her eyes widened at the tiny gift in front of her.

" You guys." she whispered, admiring the small package. The 'guys' didn't mean to spoil the sunshine, but seeing her back and alive, and having celebrated her birthday alone that morning, broke their hearts. The least they could do was gift her something.

" Thank you." she whispered, staring up at the group of men.

" How old are ya now, kid?" Guarnere asked. She smiled innocently at the group of men in front of her.

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