Chapter 5: Again?

Start from the beginning

"Oh, wow," she said, continuing to walk. She walked into the kitchen, were she said somthing to Maze, who whipped around and stared at me. As I opened my mouth to say that I wasn't afraid at her, the doorbell rang.

"Hello?" said a very familer voice.

"Mom!?" I asked as I opened the door. Chloe walked in, scanned the room at all whole, took a long glance at Maze and Linda's wide-eyed expressions, then turned back to me.

"Do you know?" she asked as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Yup," I sighed. 

"Hmm," Chloe said. "I'll explain the entire story later, my love," she said as she kissed me on my forehead.

"Maze, we've got a murderous husband we need you to find," Chloe said to Maze, who jumped up from where she was sitting at the counter.

"Great, I actually need a distraction." Maze said. She walked past me, but then doubled back. "I'm not afraid of you, Maze." I said before she could ask. I thought I saw a few tears in her eyes, which was extemely unlike her, before she wrapped me into a hug so fierce I was reminded of my other surrogate aunt, Ella Lopez. 

"Alright, lets go catch this dude, Chloe." Maze said after breaking away from me. 

The two of them left and I noticed now that Amenadiel was sitting on the couch facing a bruised, beaten-up looking young man, maybe around Charlie's age. He had flaming red hair, freckles, and his eyes were closed- whether he was asleep or knocked out, I didn't know.

"Father?" Charlie asked quietly. Amenadiel looked back at his son. "Is this him?" Charlie asked. 

"Yes." Amenadiel said quietly. Charlie sat down beside his father and I quickly sat down on my uncles other side.

"Did Maze find him?" I asked Amenadiel, recognizing the state he was in.

"She did. Pretty quickly, too."

"I know about.. everything." I told him, to which the angel sighed and nodded. "I'm not deaf, my dear," he said with a smile, turning his head towards mine. 

The three of us suddenly jumped around as the doorbell rang for the third time that evening.

"Linda, Maze, let me in! Please, I've got no where else to go!" the voice belonged to the woman I had met earlier. Eve.

"Ugh, her again?" Linda groaned, but at her partners stern glare she reluctantly opened the door, allowing her inside.

"Eve," Amenadiel said flatly. Eve let out a nervous giggle and asked Linda, "May I sit down?"

Linda nodded once, then she walked over to us and took her sons hand. 

"So, uh, where is Lucifer these days?" Eve asked, directing the question at me. Linda was the one  who answered. "He is no longer immortal, for one." Linda said, more to me than Eve. "But he still has his wings, and his mojo thingy?" I asked, wanting to clarify with Linda.

"Yup," Linda answered.

"Ah, I see," Eve cut across me as I opened my mouth to say something back. "So I'm guessing he traded his immortality to be back here with Chloe Decker?" she asked, somewhat saltily. "Yes." Linda said, raising an eyebrow. 

"Eve. Are you still in love with him? You've been gone for 18 years. Maze waited for you." Linda added, her face falling. Eve disregarded the last comment and said with a sad smile, "I don't know what I feel,"

I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"Eve, Lucifer has a life, and a good one at that." Linda gestured to me as she spoke. Eve lowered her eyes as if saying, I can see that.

As I began to speak the phone rang. "Hello? Oh, now? You're going to tell the Morningstars too? Right, we'll be at the hospital."

"Who was that?"  I asked after examining Linda's face. "Ella's in labour!" Linda announced. Charlie jumped up from his seat beside his father as Amenadiel stood up too.

"Wait, Ella Lopez?" Eve squealed.

"Eve, you're crazy if you think you're coming." Amenadiel said sternly. Eve sighed. "Fine." she mumbled.

"You aren't staying here, either!" Linda said in alarm. "But who's gonna watch the dude that Maze caught?" Eve gestured to the still figure.

"Not a dude." Amenadiel and Charlie growled together. 

"Whatever!" Eve threw her hands up. 

"Absuloutly not. You need to leave." Linda answered.

"Yeah, I'll get you a room in a hotel nearby. And an Uber." Charlie whipped out his phone.

In the next five minutes Eve was gone, and we bustled out of the door to get to the hospital.

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