Places Everyone!

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(Sarai's POV)

As me and McPartland walked into the office, he gave me a tour with Q close behind us. He showed me where the meetings are held and where the break room was. We walked into the conference room and Pete called a meeting with all the crew including the other three guys and I started freaking out again.

Oh my God Joe! Ahhh Sal!! Ahhh Murr! This is a dream come true I'm about to work for my 4 favorite guys!!


No one knows about this but 7 years ago I was in a very dark stage of my life.

I was 13 and in 8th grade and I used to get bullied alot, and when I would get home my parents would be fighting. But one day it went downhill. I was getting deeper and deeper into a hole of depression. I was starting to cut my wrists, my inner thighs, my ankles, and my stomach. I would lock my bedroom door and stay in my room for 3 days straight when it came to holiday breaks. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, I hardly took a shower. I just didn't have the energy to do so. One night I wanted to end it all. I went to the back laundry room with the detergent and bleach. I grabbed a handful of pills from the cabinet and opened up the bottle of bleach, my eyes and cheeks were stained red from crying all night. I had fresh cuts that I cut so deep that there was no blood flowing out. It hurt like a bitch but it felt like it relieved some of my pain that I felt. I didn't feel important. I felt like I annoy everyone. No one would notice if I was gone.

I had written a letter at my desk in my room as I was crying and blood was dripping from my arm. I did everything I could to not be so loud when I was crying in pain and frustration. I had taken clothes to the back, to act as if I was washing clothes but I had other plans. My hands were shaking and my anxiety was flaring up. I took those handful of pills and put them in my mouth, but then a ding came from my phone.

"Hey stay strong, we all care about you, I am sending you our love, thank you for being a fan and one day we will meet, just stick around. I have gone through this and trust me it hurts like a bitch, but please don't do anything you will regret later."

I pick up my phone and look at it and immediately spit out the pills and looks at the text that came through from Instagram. Brian fucking Quinn. I check to see if it's actually him. Yup it is. I just started balling after I read what had come through. I forgot I had texted him.

Shit. What am I doing. I have to stay strong I'm going to stay strong.

I put the bleach away and wiped my tears from my eyes and my blood from my arm. I took a few deep breaths and went back into my room and laid on my bed with my dogs and pet them.

//back to present day//

Q made me sit down next to him and smiled at me as the other guys walked in. They started the meeting.

"Hey guys so today we are going to the park and doing a challenge with the kid actors okay? We're going to go in about an hour so Cha' you are in charge of getting the equipment with the crew. Get all the props and cameras and mics and the monitor. Also I would like you guys to meet our new intern! Her name is Sarai be nice to her and would you like to say something about yourself?" McPartland looked over at me.

I stood up.

"Hi I'm Sarai, I go to school at NYU and I'm 19 years old. I have been a fan of this show for 6 years now and I'm so happy I get to work for you guys," I say.

The crew and everyone says hi and they go over a few other things like punishments and new challenges, the idea for the challenges are so funny my side hurts from laughing so much. The guys are so sweet and cool to be around. The meeting ends and I walk out and go over to Cha' and asks if she needs help so I help gather the mics and then Q calls me over.

"Hey Sarai come here really fast," Q says to me. I walk over to him.

"Yeah Q?" I reply.

He introduces me to the other guys and I shake their hands. I'm freaking out on the inside but keeping it cool on the outside. Sal and Murr shake my hand and Joe just straight out hugs me. I feel safe in his arms and I never wanted to let go. I was on the verge of tears but held it in. I pull away from Joe and a tear managed to escape from my eyes. I wipe it as Joe notices it.

"Hey baby are you okay?" He asks me.

I say yes and we all talk for a bit then they go and get ready to leave. Q smiles at me and winks and I bite my lip softly. I go over and help Cha' again. We then pack everything up and we head to the park.

(Q's POV)

We sit at the conference table and talk about future challenges and I can't help but smile every time I hear Sarai laugh. Her smile is perfect. She stands up to introduce herself and I can't help but stare at her beautiful, round ass. She says her age and I'm happy.

Hey at least she's not underage.

I snap back into reality when Sal bumps me on the shoulder.

"The new intern is hot huh?" Sal asks me and I just chuckle a bit.

The meeting ends and we walk out and I introduce the guys to her. She beams as she talks to them and I notice a scar on her arm as she shakes James' and Sal's hand but I don't mention it. We sit just talking about her and her life she seems nervous so I put my hand on her hand and smile at her. I feel like I've talked to her before. Not over the phone but texting. I shake that thought off when Pete says that everything is set up and we should go now.

Me, Sal, Joe, and Murr get in our van and I see Sarai going into the crew van, I get out and asks Pete if she can come with us. He calls her over and asks if she wants to go with us guys to get to know us better. Of course she says yes and I let her get in first. Sarai and I sit in the back row of the van and we are squished since they have a crate full of equipment. I can smell her Victoria Secret perfume perfectly from where I sit. We drive and laugh and sing along to the radio. Sarai dances and sings along also. We sing Sals favorite song Tainted Love. And damn does she have a good voice.

"Wow your voice is amazing Sarai!" Joe says.

"Oh um thank you," She blushes and I just bite my lip softly as I wrap my arm around her and grab her shoulder.

"Shit sorry I should've asked," I tell her as I can see her cheeks turn a rosy red.

"It's fine," she bites her lip and leans into my chest. I can't help but play with her hair.

Soon we get to the park and the crew starts setting up and Sarai is hard at work and we all feel hungry so Pete sends her to go get us some coffee and donuts. I wanted to go but Pete insisted that Cha' go help her so that I won't get overcrowded by fans if they recognize me. So I stayed back and 5 minutes later they set everything up and we get ready to do the intro.

"Places everyone!" Pete says. We start explaining the challenge and we goof off a bit but we soon get it then we start shooting the challenge. Sal went up first. We told him to have someone watch his kid while he went to puke. We laughed our asses off. I couldn't stop thinking about Sarai. About her scars, how much pain she went through to get this far, how long ago was it?

Sarai and Cha' come back and they give us our coffee and donuts. We take a short break and Sarai is talking with some of the crew members. She's fitting in perfectly. We soon finish the challenge and Sarai is packing up some mics and wires and the guys and I are going to the movies later that night so I walk over to her and ask.

"Hey Sarai. So me and the boys are going to the movies later, care to come with?" I asked.

"I would love to but I work tonight. I'm sorry," She replies.

"Oh okay that's fine, I'll talk to you tomorrow then right?" I ask.

"Yeah... bye Q,"she waves and smiles as she finishes packing up. I walk away and go to my jeep. I head home after a long day of work.

Okay that's part 2 hope you like it!! Please vote and spread this if you liked it!!💕 Remember to follow me on Instagram @impractical.jokeers and Twitter @jokersgurl03

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